I've heard that leasing activity in Sabine Parish is slowing down. Anyone know if there's any truth to this? Also, does anyone know about any lease activity in Many recently?

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hate to appear dumb, but what does GCOG mean? also, where is thesaratoga prospect? Thanks!
GCOG stands for Gulf Coast Oil & Gas. I know they have land in Sabine and maybe elsewhere, too.
Their financial report read's as grim as mine. Three well's in corpus area carrying company......but they are looking for help and would probably be all right if they could find it. Am i missing something here?
I don't know for sure. I read elsewhere on this site a while back that they had made some offers for acreage in spots on the shale when things were at a few grand per acre. That's how I first learned what "GCOG" stood for. I guess if they were making offers, you could maybe assume they found help and will be alright. Obviously, they are no threat to the big spenders at this stage of the game. It wouldn't be the worst thing though to see a small company survive and maybe even prosper a bit from the Haynesville shale.
I am with you Kevin, I would like to see some small outfits profit from the shale. Who knows they may make you a better deal than the Big Boys.
GCOG is drilling (or will ) in the saragota around many....depth around 3000... I hope they do well !
I hope so, too. If they made it to the point of being able to drill, then that is a step in the right direction.
Do you know if they are undertaking this task by themselves or if they took on a partner who perhaps has more drilling experience than I would assume GCOG has?
Kevin, i have a little better info. Their stock has went up some....this is in the saratoga prospect, drilling in the saratoga chalk to 3790 feet. this is a penny stock now but some have predicted $10.00 by end of year. High risk but profitable investment if work's out. I assume they are going it alone.
I'm impressed with your info. That's one of the reasons why this site is so successful, because people here have access to info and are willing to share it.
I looked on SonrisLite and couldn't find any well permits for them. I guess it should show up in the not too distant future though.
Shell/Encana plans on having 5 rigs working by the end of the year, I believe they have 2 now and they are at the Harris in Oxford and the other drilled the Messenger. By year end 2009 they plan to have 12 running. It is about to get busy around Northern Sabine and Desoto Parishes! The landmen for one group have pretty much stopped leasing and have started working on surface issues such as marking off pads and preparing for pipeline right of ways.
Olddog, actually Encana/Shell currently have four rigs working. EnCana is drilling three wells now in Red River Parish in additional to Shell's Harris well.


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