Just wondering what is being offered in SA as of the first week of December? I have confirmed offer of $5000.00 w/22.5% around the Goodwin school.

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Here's the W-1 info for that Owens Well:

And here's a link to the Platt map:

That should give you an idea as to where your own land is at in relation to the unit for this well.
Back to leasing offers. South San Augustine is heating up. The norm for offers righ now seems to be $1000/25%. A year and a half ago in South SA (Before the Kardell) leases were signed for 5K/25%. Natural gas is about 1/2 the price it was a year and a half ago so why isn't the initial offers about $2500/25%?
This should help prices. Tyler paper Dec. 13
# San Augustine County

The Burrows Gas Unit Well No.1H has been completed by Common Resources L.L.C. in the Bossierville Field. The well is located 7.7 miles northwest of San Augustine with a depth of 17,374-feet. When gauged on a 27/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 21.037 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Bossier Shale formation.
It's not just the price of gas JWC. These companies drill with borrowed money. The lending for these ventures has dried up. That's why Chesapeake is partnering/selling to raise money. Not much drilling money out there right now except for those with deep pockets and money in the bank.
5 permits applied for in the last 2 days. (one is a new injection well) Fast times at SA are coming
ok, so after reading that article...WHY OH WHY! would ANYONE lease for the PITTANCE they seem to be offering around SA? Are we all in need of $$$ so bad that we are just gonna grab our ankles???? PUH_LEEZE people! stand together! 10,000 or more is fair and reasonable!
ronda and bruce,
I was thinking $10,000-$15,000 per acre before the Kardell well... now $18,000 appears reasonable.
San Augustine has a history as late as last summer with EnCana leasing at $5000.00. I really do not under stand any amount under $5,000.00 and even this seems absurd.
I fail to see how mineral rights owners from SA town, north, east and west should consider offers less than $18,000. Anyone south of town, it is only a matter of time before the area is proven with a substantial well.
Good idea. Actual offers, please?
If the Motherload people do not share what they believe to be an acceptable range of offers we will never know what others are thinking. You know there is a considerable amount of leasing potential in SA. Why aren't we hearing more about these bonus offers. I have said this once and will revisit the issue. I think the leases are including confidentiality clauses and the SA citizens are not sharing the offers. I hope they are fair and the MO is not leasing for a pittance. I think there is a "mind set" here that for some reason the east Texas mineral rights are not worth as much as Louisiana mineral rights. This is ridiculous! Look at the recent bonus figures just posted on this site for Louisiana. Why isn't SA entitled to these amounts? The only responses we are seeing are from people asking all of us if their horrible offers are acceptable.
Eagle offered $1500 and 25% tonight and then when we told him we have a half acre in SA town he offered $3000 for it. Our property is south in the Z Redmond and E M Weeks survey.
Thank you , Jimmie. Good information.


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