I have them looking at it. Sorry for the complications.


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Thanks. Is it cold in NYC.
Has anybody experienced issues since the evening of the 10th?
What kind of "issues"? Everything seems to be working perfectly for me. In fact, considering the chaos that is Christmas in my so-called life, GHS.com might be the only thing working perfectly right now!!

N-E-W___ Y-O-R-K___ C-I-T-Y??? Reminds me of the chili commercial! LOL!
Slow loading of the main page and some text missing from the discussion snippets. Seems to be okay now.
Yep, same problem, but working fine now!
I never noticed any problems before or after the 10th.
No problems!
XP SP3 with Chrome or Firefox
Vista SP2 with Chrome or Firefox
Ubuntu Linux 9.04 with Chrome or Firefox

Should we be having issues?
Main page still loading slow for me. Seems to be an intermittent thing. Mac OS 10.6.2, Safari 4.0.3 & Firefox 3.5.4
For the last two weeks I have had problems, hence my absenteeism. On one of my computers, the website loads and then goes into some infintite do-loop or somethng and locks up he computer. On my other computer, everything works fine. So I know its one machine but I haven't isolated it as to the cause. Does the same thing on the GoMarcellus site but no other that I've found. Probably one of the add-on's in the site. I'll try and get to my back up Pc more often but it won't be as much as I used to. Oh well, probably make some folks happy!!!
not today --no problemas..but after the 10th:
home page not load Internet Explorer
Input comments and they did not appear or input comment and "reply to this" did not show up on mine or other's comments


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