Can anyone tell me if sec 11 of T10N R11W has been unitized

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ray i looked on gis access map on sonris and found that sec 1 - 12 -13 have been unitized but not 11 you might go to hearings find grogan fields and look there
Much of 10N-11W has been unitized, but not Sec.11. By my records:

Secs 1, 12, 13 -- Samson Contour
Secs 7,8, 16, 18, 21, 27-34 -- SWEPI
Sec 14 -- Petrohawk
Sec 24 -- Chesapeake
Secs 20, 22, 23, 25, 26 -- EnCana
I pretty sure EnCana/Shell doesn't have any acreage leased in that Section unless they traded with Chesapeake or someone else lately. Do you know if most of the section is leased by Chesapeake?
I think EnCana/Swepi is planning on developing Sec 8,21,23,27 and a couple more around phill this year.
--gp--your neighbor at the corner of 177 & 175.
EnCana/SWEPI assigned some of its leases in that section over to Chesapeake in July 2009. They assigned leases for land in Secs 1, 4, 11, 15, and 17 of 10N, 11W. Some of these leases were dated August, 2005.
You are correct. I saw the document sent to me by Chesapeake. I am one of those in 17 that leased in August 2005 in the hopes that it expires before it is drilled. I don't think that 17 was heavily sought after until 2008. I just combined it with land in sec 8. I also got a visit from SWEPI in December about a well to be drilled in May(Sec 8) :-( ...not very happy about that.
Maybe the next time you talk to SWEPI, you could sound them out about when they ever plan to turn a well to sales? Good luck on your upcoming well in Sec 8.
The good luck I need is trying to figure a way to stall them a couple of months so the lease can expire. They tried to top lease me a couple of months ago to buy a little time. I turned down the first offer and the second offer they pulled it off the table before I answered. They know they are running out of time on a lot of these 2005 leases.
I hope your old lease expires. Do you mind sharing what the offer from SWEPI was? I have unleased land in a section that is mostly leased to SWEPI. However, no unit has been formed in this section yet.
The first offer was 1500/acre. The second was 2000. If they drill before it expires, that 2000/acre would have been a lot of money down the drain.
I hope it all works out for you -- either way, it looks like you'll be getting some royalties in the next couple of years. I hope they will be good. At least you have the advantage of not being drilled in 2009, when prices were really low.
I don't have the letter or maps in front of me, but we (Blair property) received a letter from Attorneys out of Shreveport about a week or so ago representing Petrohawk I believe if memory serves in regards to his.
Ray, here are all the Haynesville Units for T10N-R11W:

S1-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUL Unit, Samson, Grogan Field, DeSoto Parish
S6-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUO Unit, , Grogan Field, DeSoto Parish
S7-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUA Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, DeSoto Parish
S8-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUB Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, DeSoto Parish
S12-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUM Unit, Samson, Grogan Field, DeSoto Parish
S13-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUN Unit, Samson, Grogan Field, DeSoto Parish
S16-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUD Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, DeSoto Parish
S18-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUC Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, DeSoto Parish
S20-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUW Unit, Encana, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S21-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUE Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S22-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUQ Unit, Encana, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S23-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUR Unit, Encana, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S24-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUP Unit, Chesapeake, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S25-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUS Unit, Encana, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S26-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUT Unit, Encana, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S27-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUF Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S28-T10N-R11W, JUR RA SUF Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S29-T10N-R11W, JUR RA SUE Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S30-T10N-R11W, JUR RA SUD Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S31-T10N-R11W, JUR RA SUA Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S32-T10N-R11W, JUR RA SUH Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S33-T10N-R11W, JUR RA SUG Unit, Shell, Grogan Field, Sabine Parish
S34-T10N-R11W, HA RA SUD Unit, Shell, San Miguel Creek Field, Sabine Parish



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