Does anyone have information on Sec 26?

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A section number means nothing without the township and range to go with it. There are numerous Section 26s in DeSoto Parish. Use the link below to examine the Snapshot map. The column of numbers on the left are townships and the row across the top are ranges. A complete location description would be S26 - T?N - R?W.

The far upper left corner township would be T23N - R16W. Or, 23N-16W as the T and R are the same in all NW. LA. townships.
The correct information is S26-T13N-R14W
scott. Section 26 - 13N - 14W is a Petrohawk HA (Haynesville zone) drilling & production unit. Petohawk completed the DeSoto Parish Police Jury 35H (surface location Section 26) on 8/24/09. It was a good well - 15.918 MMcfd/22/64" Choke/7619# Casing Pressure. This well will pay royalties to mineral owners in Section 35 as that is where the lateral perforations are located. It does "prove up" Section 26 which should be equally productive when drilled.
Would you explain how companies are able to drill in one section and hold a lease in another section? Our lease expires in May 2010. We found out yesterday the company will be drilling laterally from one section into our section to hold their lease. Our question... since two sections are use do they split the royalties equally 1280 ways?
Linda. A lessee can only produce the minerals which they hold lease rights to. When a company obtains the surface right to place a well pad and wellbore easement in one section, it is a separate consideration from royalty as they are not producing the hydrocarbons in that section. Just passing through, so to speak. The wellbore has no perforations in the section with the surface location so none of those hydrocarbons are produced and no royalties are owed. The Location Of The Perforations In The Wellbore Determine What Hydrocarbons Are Produced And Which Mineral Owners Are Paid. When drilling a horizontal well there is a lateral distance required for the wellbore to transition from vertical to horizontal. On SONRIS in the Well Scout Reports you will see the notation "building the curve". Operators prefer to build that curve outside of the section to be produced so that they get the maximum length horizontal wellbore within the section that is being produced. They can not do that by drilling from a surface location within the section to be produced. This drilling design has no adverse affect on mineral owners. To the contrary, it benefits them as it is the most efficient means to produce the gas in that section.
Thank you very much Skip,
There is a rig on 10-t12N-15R which is real close to the section I was asking about 03-12N-15W. Would the company need a permit to drill 10 and one to drill into 03? The location of the rig on 10 at the edge of 10 & 3. How can I find out if this well being drilled is going into 3? Thanks again for all of your help!!!
With few exceptions All well pads are in close proximity to section lines. It's easy to mistake which section the well pad is located in and which section is actually being drilled. The best way to find out is the state database, SONRIS, Go to SONRIS Lite and search by section-township-range. Make note of the surface location and the Planned Bottom Hole Location (PBHL) in the first entry of the Well Scout form. There are links to the databases and instructions on how to perform searches on the SONRIS Help Center group page.
Thank you very much!!!!:)
Linda, the well you are referencing is located entirely in Section 10. The surface location is 330' from the section line but the horizontal lateral is being drilled to the south. Do you have the name of the drilling rig as it should be on a sign on the access road.

By the way, wells are permitted to be completed in only one section (unit).
Thank you Les B. for the information. The drilling company is Allis Chalmer Rig #1. Everyone is so helpful at this website. Thanks again.
Linda, thanks for the information.
Well serial 239668 Unit Sec 26,T13N,R14W
Surface location located in section 35, T13N, R14W



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