they are placing a pipeline from a well on my property to an existing line and we have not agreed on the easement compansation yet. What should I do? Wait until they get it in the ground and get a lawyer, or try to call them about the easement? We don't have the mineral rights. I think that they believe we already have the check and have signed the easement.

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You need to review a copy of the lease that you were subject to when you purchased the property. More than likely it granted the Oil and Gas Company the right to lay a pipeline.

It is also not completely unheard of for them to lay the pipe on the wrong piece of property.

Have you spoken to the company?
yes, they gave me an offer of $250 per rod, but our measurements did not jiv. He said that he would get back with me. Haven't heard from him since. No grant to lay pipeline on lease.

Some of these companies will get away with whatever you allow them to get away with.

Since mineral rights are superior to surface rights they probably will do what they plan on doing and deal with the consequences later.

I would get an Oil and Gas Attorney ASAP. Since you are in Texas, I would try Eric Camp.

Eric has been very generous with his advice to landowners reguarding ROW here on GHS. He specializes in Oil and Gas and is very well versed in ROW negotiations.'

Here is his contact information:

Eric Camp

How easy have they been to deal with when you negotiated the pad site and how have they treated the property during drilling?
They have been very good with us, but we never know what is going on.
At least that is good to know.

Keep working your way up the "food chain". It may be that you are not talking to the right person. You know information always get muddled the more people it passes through.

Are we talking about a small pipeline from the well to the nearest flowline?

If so this would most likely be covered by the lease.
From the standard lease:

. In exploring for, developing, producing and marketing oil, gas and other substances covered hereby on the leased premises or lands pooled or unitized therewith, in primary and/or enhanced recovery, Lessee shall have the right of ingress and egress along with the right to conduct such operations on the leased premises, or on any adjacent lands, as may be reasonably necessary for such purpose, including but not limited to geophysical operations, the drilling of wells, and the construction and use of roads, canals, pipelines, tanks, water wells, disposal wells, injection wells, pits, electric and telephone lines, power stations, and other facilities deemed necessary by Lessee to discover, produce, store, treat and/or transport production. Lessee shall have free use of oil, gas, casinghead gas, condensate, and water from said land, except water from Lessor's wells, for all operations hereunder, including repressuring, pressure maintenance and recycling, and the royalty shall be computed after deducting any so used. Lessee shall have the right at any time during or after the expiration of this lease to remove all property and fixtures placed by Lessee on said land, including the right to draw and remove all casing. When required by Lessor, Lessee will bury all pipe lines below ordinary plow depth, and no well shall be drilled within two hundred feet of any residence or barn now on said land without Lessor consent. In the event a well or wells, producing oil, gas, casinghead gas or condensate in paying quantities should be brought in on adjacent lands not owned by the Lessor and within one hundred fifty feet of and draining the leased premises, Lessee agrees to drill such offset well or wells as a reasonably prudent operator would drill under the same or similar circumstances
Rihard---- are you the mineral owner? Just surface or both? Is well on your property? Do you have lease with them? What O & G company? Do you have minerals in this gas unit? Have you signed any thing?
We do not have the mineral rights, only surface rights. The well is on our property. The company is Cabot O & G and we have not signed anything for the pipeline yet.
They can trump your surface rights to get the minerals out but I think I would call up the "food chain" if necessary if the original pipeline line guy you was talking too gets you no where to what you desire reasonable price and terms for ROW. If no success then get attorney. Be nice don"t call and be too demanding. Did you have pad site ROW or was the well on the property already when you brought it? Baron you agree?



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