InterOil: Introducing the Biggest Natural Gas Well in the World. Wouldn't you like to have this well sitting on your land?

InterOil (IOC) is a Canadian integrated (exploration assets, refinery, near distribution monopoly) located in Papua New Guinea [PNG]. After having struck two earlier profusely flowing natural gas and liquids wells (flowing at 102 and 105MMcf/d respectively), they hit an absolute killer with Antelope1, which flowed at a whopping 382MMcf/d.

Record well
Summing up a few findings:

382MMcf/d with the pipe only 30% open for safety reasons, and the log indicated that the permeability at the top did not allow the lower section of the reservoir to contribute to the flow test. That is, all the gas just came from the top 12% of the reservoir
5000bb/d in condensates
792 meters (2300ft) of net pay zone, which is more than three times the size of the biggest American well (650ft), and the gas / water contact has not even been determined yet
The largest calculated absolute open flow [CAOF] at 17.7 Billion cubic feet of natural gas per day
8.4% average porosity
From the seismics, the Antelope field is 14 x 7 kilometres
Let’s put that in perspective
Just three wells flow 600MMcf/d, more than enough to supply the daily needs of an LNG facility. This is roughly equivalent to the daily productivity of Southwestern Energy (SWN), enterprise value of 10.5 billion. It is larger than the daily production of Ultra Petroleum (UPL), enterprise value of roughly $6 billion. The record-breaking well by itself has larger daily production than the entire corporation of Range Resources, enterprise value $7.3 billion.

And all that with just three wells, with seismics indicating plenty of potential left for more. This leads to another important point, how InterOil’s location and quality of its resource provides it with a large cost advantage over most competitors for the most lucrative LNG market in the world, Asia Pacific.

Even long-time skeptic Ross Smith Energy Group turned around even before the record setting flow test.

Cost advantages
PNG is located next to the world’s most lucrative LNG market, Asia Pacific. PNG is a very low cost location, and has a rather business friendly regulation, which put resources located here at a considerable advantage.

Australia has emerged as the next big LNG play for Asia Pacific, but its labour, tax, and regulation costs are a multiple of those in PNG, yet tens of billions of dollars are going into these Australian coal seam projects even in today’s low energy and credit constrained environment.

And where InterOil can supply a LNG facility from just three wells, coal seam gas projects need to drill, treat, and man literally thousands of wells.

InterOil’s planned LNG facility is estimated at just $5-7 billion, low for international standards. Even a rival comparable project on the same cheap PNG location, led by OilSearch and Exxon (XOM) is budgeted at $11-12 billion for a 6.3 million tonne per annum facility. (InterOil’s facility will have a capacity of 6-9M tonne).

The InterOil project is cheaper because the gas comes from a single resouce and, unlike OilSearch, important infrastructure is already in place. InterOil does not have to build a harbor, housing, power facilities, water facilities, deep water jetty system, InterOil already has land rights, and their pipeline is less than half the distance and is not in the mountainous terrain of the highlands (like Exxon / OilSearch’s).

What will happen next?

1) Determining the condensate ratio at depth and looking for oil
This will be done by side-tracking Antelope1 and proceed with three DST tests for the condensates, which increase with depths, and oil, within the next 30 days.

The first three DST tests will not deliver a ‘wow’ factor, their aim is to find out the gas / condensate ratio at different depths. This is a necessary task for getting a grip on designing the best way to produce these condensates.

A wow factor might come from the last DST test, specifically to test an interval where there might be oil. CSIRO, the famed Australian engineering bureau, has commented that the gas is likely to come from an oil system, so there is a reasonable chance there is oil somewhere in Antelope.

However, oil has a habit of migrating to unexpected places, so actually locating it might be problematic.

2) Reserve reports
These might not provide much ‘wow’ factor either, as these reports tend to concentrate on what can be proven now, not on how much more there might very well be (according to seismics), so they have a conservative bias and are unlikely to come close to the numbers going around on the boards (6-12Tcf) or InterOil (11Tcf).

Getting reserves on the books is significant, InterOil doesn’t have any now and exploration companies are mostly valued on their reserves. Also, any reasonable doubt about whether InterOil has enough gas to support an LNG facility will disappear.

3) Selling up to a 25% stake
After preliminary discussions with major oil companies, national oil companies and international natural gas utilities, Interoil and its advisors will determine the most suitable industry farm-in to acquire up to 25% interest in its LNG assets. InterOil has retained the services of BNP Paribas (BNPQY.PK) and ABN Ambro (ABN) as advisors.

There is no shortage in potential partners, two categories are most likely, Asian utilities and big oil companies. The latter are looking to add reserves in a world where more and more resources are nationalized, the former are trying to secure long-term energy supplies as a matter of national security.

Both parties have long-term horizons and deep pockets and the extraordinary economics of their Elk / Antelope discovery ensure that it’s one of the most competitive natural gas resources to develop. Getting the gas condensates out would improve the economics even more, as it provides early cash-flow, further derisking the project.

Raymond James in a recent research report used two valuation methods, a net asset valuation [NAV], and comparing it with similar deals.

For the NAV exercise, they used the following assumptions: 6.9Tcf of gas , 60% working interest, 50% risk factor, $0.75/Mcf multiple, very conservative in the light of “Asia’s premium priced (typically $10+/Mcf) LNG market and valuations in the depressed U.S. gas market (typically $1.50 to $2/Mcf) and 69MMBbls of condensates at $10 per barrel and risked the same way.

They arrive at a NAV of $55.52 per share, roughly 2.5 times current prices, with substantial upside to both the amount of gas, its valuation, and reducing the risk factor (with independent reserve reports).

Perhaps even more interesting was Raymond James comparing a possible InterOil deal with Nippon Oil buying AGL’s 3.6% stake in the PNG exploration interest and LNG facility planned by OilSearch and Exxon, for $800 million last December.

Arguing InterOil’s assets are comparable to those for sale in the above transaction, a 25% stake would fetch $5+ billion and put the enterprise value at a whopping $22 billion. All this suggests that, longer-term, this stock can only move in one way, and that is up.

Disclosure: None

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I agree this item/report is propitious. Watch the stock soar today and tomorrw.
Interesting information but where it says "[t]hey arrive at a NAV of $55.52 per share, roughly 2.5 times current prices" must be from some very old pricing. It closed today at $70.33 and it has traded above $55.52 since November 25, 2009. The last time it traded at a level where $52.52 per share would be 2.5 times it per share value ($22.51)was March 19, 2009.

InterOil: Introducing the Biggest Natural Gas Well in the World
March 24, 2009
What size pipe would it take to allow that much gas to come out?

I do not know on this well how big the pipe that will be needed.

In Algeria they hooked some of the gas wells at Hassi Ramel to 42" pipe. The calculations were for the ditch to be blasted and dug wide with backhoes so there would be room for the the pipe, when heated through the flow of gas, to expand. What happened, the Dutch contractor cut a narrow ditch with a rock saw. They put the pipe in the ditch and backfilled it.

When the high pressure gas hit the cold pipe, it expanded. As it could not go sidesways, it came up out of the ditch, bringing its backfill with it. A friend, who was on this job, said so he drove back to see what was going on, after hearing all the panic over the radio. He said in a lot of places, it looked "like the Lock Ness Monster" coming out of the ditch.
"Panic" was probably putting it mildly, huh? LOL!
"...they hit an absolute killer with Antelope1, which flowed at a whopping 382MMcf/d."


That is extraordinary. Wow. Thanks for this.
That gives new meaning to the term Motherload!!!
Of course this is old news and pales in comparison to the Antelope-2 that tested at 705 MMcfd and 11,200 Bbls/D condensate. I have seen a picture of the drilling rig during that test and the horizontal flare is truly awesome. InterOil is trying to demonstrate they have sufficient reserves to support the LNG project and secure financing.
Good! I freaking bought stock when this story was new and the stock was close to $90. Now it's $65! Same way I bought Chesapeake at $67! I suck.
Les B,

One advantage this field has over the ESSO LNG project is everything is in the Lowlands. Difficult pipeline terrain, I will grant you, but nothing like where ESSO's pipeline starts in the Southern Highlands. They have to bring their line down out of the mountains from arround 10,000 feet to sea level.

I have worked on many mountain jobs all around the world (did one in the Italian Alps where the crews rode a ski lift to get to work) and found them highly difficult and dangerous,

We laid a 240-mile pipeline in Ecuador from Quito to the coast, over a ridge of the Andes at 12,600 feet. We had problems in working hard with decreased oxygen. The foreign contractor was too cheap to buy us portable oxygen tanks and masks. You could only work a short time until you got too dizzy to work. Another problem was, by 1 or 2 in the afternoon, the clouds would come down and settle on us, to the point you could not see your hand a foot from your face.

I worked with a Philippine pipeline welder in Africa who had worked 3 years on pipeline projects in Papua New Guinea. He said he never worked on a job that the pipe was not flown in and strung by helicopters.
Pipeliner, thanks for the insight into the the two PNG projects and other difficult pipeline projects. We had been trying to understand the signifcant difference in capital costs between the two LNG projects.

I believe the only hold-ups with the InterOil project were financer and LNG buyer concerns with reserves and InterOil's capability to handle this type of project. Hopefully the reserve question has been put to rest now.



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