Any new info on the going negotiated rates for the Tiger pipeline? I saw where they're initial offer is $7125 an acre for permanent ROW (60') and $1425 per acre for the temporary workspace (65'). No mention of rods. Thanks.

Tags: Pipeline, Rates, Tiger

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Tiger pipeline now offering $1578 per rod to cross 500+ feet in Desoto Parish.
Lester, by chance did you mean $1578 per ACRE? Keep in mind a rod is 16.5 feet.
Their initial offer was $7K an acre. i think someone said that worked out to $150 a rod. They have since come up to $700 a rod. If the $1600 a rod is accurate, that would be good news.
Wow! I gotta call Tiger. I have some great bottom land that could take another pipe! LOL!!!
I sure like the way $48k looks strewn all over the floor of my living room.
New flooring material? $100 bills?
no mistake.... per rod..... $1578 per ROD..... desoto parish...... still holding out..
500'/16.5 = 30.3 rods...... 30.3 * $1578 = $47818.18
Wow! Just wow!
Did they say how many lines, what size etc. that would be going into that pipeline? I think I read that if there is a high pressure line in the pipeline, the offer would be more than the norm. I have been approached for a pipeline that would have 3 lines in it. I think they wanted a 50' permanant ROW. We haven't gotten to the pipeline negotiations yet. Also, if it correct that a high pressure line is AKA a transmission line?
My grandmother is in the Hanynesville and she got 400$ a rod, for 21 rods just last year was that a ripoff at that time?. 50ft easment
excuse me all, in the interest of making sure I share accurate info on this site, I must recant the $1578 per rod offer. The paperwork and checks I saw today showed me that other family members involved in this deal signed and took an offer of $789 per rod. Im unsure how the misinformation leaked out to me from my trusted source but... it seems misinformation and tall tales often proliferate during negotiations with 8 or more hiers. Same thing during lease negotiations.... but I digress. seems as if $789 per rod was the final. Im still not satisfied..

Missy the pipeline is one line and its42 inches...and carrying 2Bcf per at todays prices thats a wad of cash passing under my property every year.....

excuse me gonna go rest and watch my 8 month old play piano.. he's a stinker :)



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