General questions about San Augustine O&G activity welcome here.

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XTO is finally getting busy in that area. The XTO Butler-Rooney unit is nearby and still has a rig drilling (West of Denning near the river). In my experience, they survey and build a pad before they ever get the drilling permit. That's why I like driving the roads and looking for rig roads and pads being built. It would not surprise me to see them unitize and drill your unit soon (next?). I also heard they are moving south of the Butler Rooney Unit to the Gray Survey, then on toward the Goodwin School area where Encana still has a rig drilling (Blackstone Unit A-43 well # 1h, rumored to have hit good oil and will dual complete for gas)(this is farmbrad's well I think). There appeared to be two possible new rig roads down that way that I believe would be Encana wells on timber land that Blackstone owns the minerals, so more Blackstone wells forthcoming. The Gray Survey is basically just across the river from EOG's Murray unit that is being rigged up right now. By the way, I believe the Murray is EOG's first well on the acreage acquisition from Sonerra.
j garrett,
Thanks for the update. What direction is the Goodwin School from San Augustine town?
Southwest from the city Cheerleader.
I have a question about getting info from the RRC site. There'a a horizontal well in Nacogdoches Co #33137 on well map that I want info on. It's right across the Attoyac River fairly close to us in Chireno South. I've played around with the id#33137 and had no luck. Can anyone explain how to get info on it. Is it complete, Is there any IP info, etc... thanks
That's an easy one, farmbrad. Click MAP TOOLS and choose IDENTIFY WELLS. Then point at the little circle by the number and click. A window will open and from there you can see the permit and if there is any available you can see the well log and the completion reports.

I can save you some time though... this is EOG's Murray #1H and there is nothing but the permit to see.
j garrett reported today that he thought they were moving a rig in on that location.
farmbrad, it spelled "chirino" in survey A-17, the suvey is huge so you have to zoom the map in and use the arrow thingys to scroll some right. then make sure you have the map tools set on identify wells and click it ( the 33137 ) but jffree1 is right there's not completion info. still a good way to practice GIS map which is easy once you figure out it's little quirks.
It is Nac County just South of the Chireno School (you turn on the road behind the school and baseball field). And there is definitely a rig there.
Thanks to all ... I love this web site!
The Goodwin school area is 3-4 miles east northeast of you, in San Augustine county across the river.
What activity are we looking at in our area(Fm1)off of 21 east?When we leased with EOG in Oct.2008,we were told that we would probably get to lease again before there was any activity out there! I expect it to be sooner because they are steadily easing out our way!!
Don't know for sure but I heard 1000.00 per acre!
j garrett, this permit was just issued on 2/2/2010 and you saw a rig on it already? I have minerals on the west side of Hwy. 95 directly accross from the termination point. E&P's showing interest on Top Lease for our place, so I hope it takes EOG along time to drill this well or it comes in really big!



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