An Encana super pad went up over night and then a rig came in and it got permitted all in same week. Have never seen all this activity happen this quickly. Sec. 7 & Sec. 6 are being drilled from Sec. 7 pad. Seismic people everywhere again. ANyone know why all the super rush to get this well up. Leases don't expire til fall 2010

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Parkdota, are you sure? I think the Bossier notation is only for the EOG Trenton Field leasehold. The accuracy of the Haynesville Play Area depicted by this map is poor at best.
It came via the EOG's quarterly update so I guess it's what they think. Encana's update of the BO boundary is different as is Chesapeake's. I guess no one knows for sure but they are fairly similar.
The Haynesville boundary depicted is either old or just wildly inaccurate.
The first map is hard to see but very helpful! Thanks!!!
The first map is hard to read but very helpful!! Thanks:)
Wait, wait, wait, wait.........the map I posted shows the HA & BO as being in the red. The dotted line area is the old proposed HA & BO. So, that would indicated that 14n 14w is totally in the BO!!! Pink = HS, red = HS & BO, yellow = Petrohawk wells.
4 different seismic companies are working simultaneously in Sections 7, 17, 18, 8, 6 of 14/14. Some of those people are saying that they are looking for the overlapping shales (bossier-haynesville) and some say they are there for the Arkansas oil basin (I assume the smackover). Anyone know anything else
Got a rig up on Section 21 14/14
Something is happening BIG TIME in 14/14.
I know they are also doing seismic on 4 & 9 of 14n 14w. If I had to guess, I bet they're doing 5 & 16 too seeing as how it would then be 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, & 18 which would be a perfect rectangle. I wonder, though, is this normal for all other township and ranges? If we could find out what other T & R are doing then we would really know if it is something big for sure.
We have parcels of land in other Townships and Ranges incl. south Caddo. Have NEVer seen this much activity with 4 companies simultaneously doing seismics
I wrote Les an email to see if he thinks the activity is strange so hopefully he'll have something good and/or interesting to say. In looking at info on the web it appears as if the Smackover is under the HA. From many comments on this site I would find it hard to believe the oil/gas companies would find oil under the HA due to the depth/pressure/heat, etc. So, I would have to assume maybe they're checking on the supposed fault as to not mess up their horizontals and as an added bonus see if the BO is in the area.



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