What is the best way to go about getting Parish maps with the Section, Township, and Range on them?  I don't need one with the lease holders names or anythings, I am just trying to become familiar with the layout, so one with major roads and/or city name would be great.  I'm a little hesitant to purchase a map for $400 (go figure) and I think this price assumes you need ownership information, but I can't find them without.  Any ideas?

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There are some excellent parish maps that fit your needs. Unfortunately, when I transitioned to my new computer, I lost the bookmarks. Please members, help me and CajuninTexas out with a link. Have you spent some time poking around in the SONRIS Help Center Group? If you like to do your own research, it's a good place to learn how. http://www.gohaynesvilleshale.com/group/sonris_help_center
Here's anothe rmap showing Township/Ranges

Great map Henry,
I've seen it before but didn't take the time to figure it out. It even shows the dirt roads in the Township if you keep zooming in. Thanks for all you do to help!!!!:)

CajuninTexas, try this link: http://www.dotd.la.gov/planning/mapping/home.aspx

Click the "Accept" button for a list of maps.
Thank you! I have accomplished more on this site posting a message for one minute and waiting for an hour than i have in hours of web searches. always a plus!
If you learn how to use SONRIS interactive maps, there's a lot of stuff there, even for things other than minerals. Topographic map overlays, aerial images, section lines and numbers, etc. You can turn the layers you want on and off.
CT, as Mac said Sonris & the Texas RRC have the very best maps (interactive online) for obtaining the information you described and they are both free.
you can get a map from desoto chamber of commerce that shows sec ; township range all the major rds. and some of the smaller rds and all the towns. they are free
Thank you Buck,
I'll do that when I'm in Mansville next time we are in LA.




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