Out walking this afternoon, noticed crane and noise from S/N 240455, HA RA SUV;DONNA DUNN 19 H #1 well site. I have not seen any frac equipment or trucks, but could have missed them. 

At any rate if you're following this section, they're working!

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Replies to This Discussion

Robert, from what I understand Exco hit the fault in sec 10 and has since contacted Encana and/or land owners in sec 4 & 9 about drilling from a pad in those sections to avoid the fault line in order to HBP. The map you have is the only one I know of. I also find it odd that nothing has occurred in sec 1, 2, 3, 11 etc. along with sec 10's problem. My source for the sec 10 fault issue is a very good one so I feel that it is correct. Let me know if you come across a better map as I will do the same.
Do you have any information about other wells in 14N14W? I think they should be finished drilling Sec 21 & 27 by now. Wondering if they have begun the frac yet?
That fault goes into T15 R14 too.For those more knowledgable, why are these companies afraid of these faults?
The fault that goes through north Desoto is the Elm Grove Fault

Looks like the Elm Grove fault might go through T14N-R14W as per the attached map.
I don't understand why thinner shale makes drilling more economical. Can you help me out? Thanks.
I am not a geologist--just what I have heard from several gas people who are very knowledgable. They say thinner shale is cheaper to drill. Even if you don't have a super super well, you can still make money. In the areas of high pressure, thick shale, and super wells, it is expensive to go through that thick shale.
Others, give us your opinion about thin shale vs thick shale and the economics of each
I've never heard any mention by industry types or read any report or opinion piece that supported advantages in "thinner" shale. Ever heard the term, "screen out"?
never heard of "screen out."
It's been a while since the condition of screen out was discussed on the site. I haven't been able to find those threads in the archives and I'm hoping that some member will recall them or provide some new input. To the best of my recall several well completion announcements explained less than anticipated results by stating that the well had "screened out". Either the well bore itself or the frac zone left the target zone (the Haynesville). This condition could have several reasons but one was keeping the wellbore properly oriented where the shale was thin. I'm thinking the "gas people" you mention may have been referring to the "brittleness" of the shale in that area. The way I understand it, the more brittle, the more effective the fracture stimulation. That would seem to make more sense to me. Where's Mmaarkk when we need him. LOL!
Skip, there is no option to reply on your response, so will go back to my posting. The "gas man" didn't say how much thiner Desoto was, just that it was thiner & easier to get to the Haynesille. I used this info last wk. though when negotiating a lease with a competing co. We had acquired unleased property in Desoto. The experienced landman ( I have dealt with some who have been in the business a wk. LOL) says they may not even hit a Haynesville, and I say I know the Bossier & Haynesville are in this section and the shale here makes it cheaper to drill. Bingo. He agreed to terms. Knowledge is power and this site has given all of us a lot of knowledge in the past yr. ARE THERE ANY SEISMIC PEOPLE ON HERE WHO CAN GIVE US SOME GEOLOGICAL INFO FOR DESOTO??
the info on thin shale vs thick shale came to me from a very reliable source who is in higher management with one of the gas companies. He explained to me and a landman why companies are moving into areas like north Desoto with thiner shales during times of low gas prices. I had always been under the impression that thicker shale mean better gas, but he said that is not always the case.
Any idea just how thin the shale is in north DeSoto?


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