I am tring to find out what the going rate is for a ROW in South Desoto.The company has made an offer but seems low compared to what I have read on here. We have agreed on everything but money. I don't want to be unreasonable just want to be treated fair. Can anyone HELP

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How big of a ROw?
It's a 30 ft with 20 ft temp
Thomas Walker: I know of two in Red River of the exact size. One was $500 a rod and the other was $750 for gathering system. Was paid by one of the majors in the play. Have heard of even higher rates but not personally.
depends on the size of the pipeline. what is the diameter of the pipeline? and what is the length of the pipeline? and what exactly is the pipeline going to transport? and what about the use of that pipeline? is it going to used on your well? or everybody elses?
you say you have agreed on everything but the money? get a lawyer! that document was written by company attorneys in the company's favor, not yours. Protect yourself and get an attorney. they are worth thier weight in gold.

its a game, company attorneys draw up a document, you immediately accept and you just got suckerd, cuz all you looked at was the $$$. The game is, they have lawyers that draw the document up, you get a lawyer to protect yourself. It's not always about money. It's in the language of the contract, The money is the bonus. You are the landowner, you have rights, protect your rights with an attorney, don't let the company walk all over you. Once you sign that document, it's legally binding for 30 yrs plus. please don't try to do it all yourself.
it's never too late. seek legal counsel. I can't put it any more clear than that.
Red Rider speaks the truth Thomas. Get an attorney to make the agreement "fair" to both parties. That ROW agreement will outlive you and possibly your heirs.
Thomas Walker--read my post on pipeline ROW I posted in Shelby County Group today on this subject believe will be useful and answer many of your questions in addition to the information given to you by Red Rider above. Also look on search this site about ROW pipeline easement you will find other post to read information from members of this site most good information and advice but some bad but the concensus of advice is sound


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