I spent some of our Haynesville shale money wisely. Right after I got the new truck and bass boat I carried my wife to Shreveport and got he a set of big honking breast implants. We refer to them as her Haynesville Hooters.

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Don't feel bad, I can't pull a boat out of the water either. And it had nothing to do with the water conditions, tried to pull one out with a Jeep once, never did it with a standard vehicle on a steep incline - think I let out on the clutch too fast or something, and I lost the boat and trailer. It was a Jet Boat too and I think it was heavy. Didn't need a tow truck, but lots of strong men came to the rescue. Needless to say, I was never asked to pull the boat out again.
Gee Bubbles,
You would't kick a man when he's down would you. No strong men to my rescue, to be honest their wasn't any weak men either. Just a man his boat and his pride the boat got pulled out but my pride didn't.
Did you start crying? Try that next time. It works pretty well. But I don't know if that would help your pride. Don't worry, everybody makes mistakes and it takes a real man to admit them. You probably kept a lot of people from doing the same thing. You are just a nice guy.
I did when I slid that driver a Franklin. He was in my only in my wallet a couple of days. Didn't even get to bond with him. Thanks Bubbbles for making me feel better.
People say I admit my mistakes only because there so obvious.
I dropped mine once on the concrete after I got it out of the water. I was still on the incline and my buddy forgot to hook the strap to it. It took everyone in the bass club to pick it up and put it back on the trailer. No harm to the boat except a few scratches. I crawled under the dash in shame and pulled on off, never to hear the end of it.
You said doubt. That means you not quite sure. Oh I'm feeling stupid again.
Awww...come on now. I don't think you're stupid.
By the way, where's my bday present? I'm only asking for 1 lil ole well with at least 300' of pay. lol

I got plenty of wells on my land
Water wells that is. But I will be happy to give you as much water as you want. if you and your Husband come I'll bring a cake for you.
Just let me know and then all us Shalers can sing happy birthday.
Thinks for not thinking I'm stupid.
Maybe a idiot but not stupid.
Poor guy's we just can't do much right but eat and sleep. You girls keep working with us we will get it right sooner or later.
I will say you jokes will fit in good with the BBQ. Of course at the adult table don't want no kiddies going to tell there teacher a joke.
I just figured that she should get some goodies too. He sounds like he is the only one who got anything out of the deal.
You didn't take any pictures to share with us???? Just so I know what not to do if I ever get to try launchng a boat. If oil ever gets us to a sweet spot, I know my hubby would love it if I could buy him a boat. He keeps joking about wanting to be a "kept man". I'll be happy if I can just make enough to get him out from behind a concrete cutting saw forever!


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