Cody Mayo Jr. was hired to represent our family we have a total of (160) acres. I just learned that he is an accountant and tax attorney. I did not hire this attorney but my aunts did. I want to make sure that we have the right guy representing our family. Please share any information about this guy.

Thank you...

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Cody Mayo solicited a group of landowners to represent in Blanchard and then backed out on them after they had spent 2 weeks organizing the plaintiffs, he wanted a 30 percent cut of any betterment of any contract. He is looking to take a big cut.
talked to cody mayo sometime ago, have partners could not agree to go forward, if anybody, i mean anybody can break some of these leases, i believe mr. mayo can and will. i believe he won a sex discrimation suite for a couple of WHITE guys againsts there BLACK woman i.r.s. boss. i would think to win that case he had to come up with a new aproach to present this case. dont have a dog in this fight, but to do the pretty close to impossible probably will cost more.
We are talking oil and gas here. You are right about the new approach, but it needs to be in reference to the mineral code.
This is also something to take into consideration. We need someone who can bat for us against the O/G companies. He is asking for 33% cut for any better of this contract.

Thank you
I am willing to risk the 30 percent just as long as he stick in there with us and not bail out. Goodness...

Thank you.
Get an attorney that is an expert in O&G. Please
Thank you. I will work on something tomorrow.
ms. rozzy
you are sure right, the attorney sure has to sick with the group! 67% ($)of something beats 100% ($) of nothing..........GOOD LUCK!!!!
Yeah you are tight on that one I would rather have 60% of somthing than 0% of nothing, Good Luck Rozzy!
Thank you... I will continue to keep my fingers crossed while gathering information for the attorney.



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