I would like to know the companies involved in drilling and production of the following well,
Please comment if you have any information concerning the staus of this well. Last info I have is that FRACING was started as of 8/26.

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Hi Cathaus,
Thank you. I just wish there was more positive dialog going on in this forum. The good thing about this site is the fact that I can visit other forums where people are offering meaningful conversations jam-packed with valuable information...

Rozzy......this forum is like life, you learn to take the good with the bad! Keith has implemented the 3 strikes and your out so it will get better. Maybe that will do away with the personal attacks and put us back to where we once were. We are all on here to learn. Some people make good teachers, some make good students and some just make do!

And some like you, make it fun!
Aw Shucks
Thank you Cathaus, well stated!
Mr. Obvious,

Thank you. I love all that you have contributed to the site. Your expertise is vast. I appreciate all you have to offer.
Sorry Mr. Obvious,

I couldn't quote one of your idea's, I don't remember reading any worthwile ones.

Odd that you would show up though. But your helpful insights are always welcome.

Please share them with us all.

If you read everything. You might know of some of the conversations that went on off the main board that were very cordial. Any friend of Gator's is a friend of mine.

Darn shame that you seem to want to stir up something that does not exist. Jay and Jim are established experts that are verifyable. Redneck may have been wonderful, or he may be another variation of someone who has already been around stirring the pot.

He sure was encouraged to offer his knowledge, what more should be done? As I recall you were the one who wants to brawl. How civil is that?
(Attempting to post something relevant and get this post back on topic) -

ShaleGeo, do you have any insight about the wells that Anadarko drilled over in Jackson Parish a few years ago? Some say that they are"Haynesville Shale" wells, and some are saying that these are not in shale, but rather are sand wells. Whatever they are, they are still producing today.

If these are sand wells, do you have any insight on how the sand layer over there compares to the sand layer where the Clement's Heirs well is (permeability, porosity, thickness)?
Yes you did!
I have a question that I probably should know the answer to but I don't. As I understand the Haynesville formation (shale &sand), we have the shale (very hard layer), does it turn into the Haynesville sand (from the friction of one layer of earth grinding another?) or does the sand come in at a different layer or depth?
The geologic difference, as to why sand or shale is formed, is one of enivronmental factors over the thousand and millions of years ago, deep inland lagoons-seas, river deltas. swamps. It really hard to fathom when you get right down to it.
Ok so you are saying sand was not once shale?


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