What other formations will be produced due to HS cores and analysis?

Jack blake was reading another post where Skip Peel and Two Dogs/Pirate were discussing a chalk oil formation....I bet their is fairly shallow gas also. Jack heard about a well being drilled in his section in the late 70's or early 80's and well was P&A because they "hit gas".
Jack did see the well on Sonris one time.
Jack needs to pull iy up again.
They will find and produce other gas and oil as a result of the HS cried Jack Blake!!!!!!!

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Jack, that is the reason the development of the Haynesville & Bossier Shale Formations could result in the discovery and production of shallower oil or gas formations. Typically each HS well will have the vertical section logged which could identify potential oil or gas bearing formations shallower than the Haynesville Shale. This is particularly relevant in areas that have had a very limited number of previous wells drilled.

For Sabine Parish this could include the Austin Chalk, James Limestone, Pettet/Sligo, Hosston/Travis Peak & Cotton Valley among others. See the attached stratigraphic chart.
RE: SE l/4 Section 24, Township 6 North, Range 11 West, Sabine Parish
Be advised that in l964, a nat gas well was producing from chalk at 3600 to 3800 ft.

Produced pure, clean nat gas, no oil or distillant and at a high pressure. .

Pipe line gathered nat gas and fed village of Fisher, Florien, Boisce plywood mill and hodges gardens for many month. Gas pulleld so hard, finially started producing salt water. Pipeline still in place--just waiting for another nat gas producer. Robert Williams wmpca@yahoo.com
Jack - Same situation with attempts to drill two wells for oil on our property in the sixties - neighbors were told by workers that their was too much gas to deal with so they were P&A - T7 R11W - I am just wondering if there may be a new find for gas and oil with all the new technology. "Hope Floats"
This is all a mystery to me. We were very surprised when there was interest in leasing land where my husband grew up. There had never been a shallow well in that part of the country. His parents had never leased their land before. However, other land we have where my dad had lived, had shallow wells on it many years ago....maybe 70 or so....and there has been absolutely no interest in leasing it. I continue to learn from this website.


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