any one with knowledge of Seitel Data, LTD and going rate per acre to shoot seismic? Will they pay check up front on signing ? What all should you request like copy of data,etc? Are they collecting data for there files or has some Oil & gas operator hire them to obtain this information?

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RBH----Good links
We have also been approached by Seitel and have been offered $25 per acre. Here is another question. What is the normal length of time they will take to do this survey? In other words how long should they be allowed access to our property? There isn't anything in the contract about a time limit. Does anyone have any ideas on this issue?
they are required to give us a one week notification before starting. The survey is done in stages and will require 3-6 weeks to complete. After completion of work everything (cables,sensor,wire,etc)will be removed. Any damages I find within 30 days they will repair or pay for damages. Once they leave they can not return without new agreement easement signed and paid for. They said would do the survey in next few months. They will pick up signed agreement next 1-2 weeks with check. We did not put time limit on survey agreement. They assume all liability. We are happy to let them shoot the 3-D if it show what I think is some good deep Shale and Lime formations. Then it will encourage some one to drill it for us.:))
Any news on the Seitel Data in the Martinsville area? We were told the middle of June we would probably be hearing from them. Just wondering if anyone has actually heard from them.
gloryc--would you call them 936 560 0644 and ask for update and then post there reply?
Ok, I will do that on Mon.
gloryc---I checked with Seitel Data---the shoot has been push into July--they were request to added acreage to the shoot. It will cover the Martinsville area of SW Shelby and East Central Nac counties. Also new info their clients who are requesting the 3-D are EOG, Samson, Fossil Resources, and PetroHawk.
Thanks, Adubu,
I got part of the info. but you got more than me. Sounds good to me. How about you?
they are looking at the deep play below cotton valley taylor sands--- bossier, haynesville shale and lime plus below that and deeper. I sure there is shale gas in this area. drill baby drill deep
Our property is located in the A J Chireno A-17 survey in Chireno. We signed with Seitel Data in early spring and was told we could expect our check at $25.00/acre in mid-May. We returned all signed paperwork to Seitel quickly. To date, we have not heard from Seitel at all nor have we received any payment so your information about July is welcome news. In the meantime, we were contacted by Global Geo and signed with them at $25.00/acre. They have already been on our property and we received payment the same day they accessed our property. We had added a stipulation to the returned paperwork that payment would be required up front to their entering our property. Our lease is with Samson so hope something starts happening. March, 2011 will be three years since we signed with Samson Lone Star.
Dorothy---interest info that Global Geo also shot seismic. I have not heard from Global. I have not given paper work signed to Seital to date. They are required to pay on pick up of agreement. If they do not pick up by end on July I plan to call them again. Your lease is in good area bet Samson will put you in unit before expiration next March if not they will want to top lease you if you hopefully did have 2 year option on your lease. Remember a top lease is a NEW lease with all terms and bonus can be renegotiated and open to another company unless they drill or put you in unit to HBP your lease before expiration in March 2011.



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