Anyone heard anything about Olympia Minerals well in Belmont and Murry in Pleasant Hill?

links are below for each well

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Gee, Maybe SWEPI could come out on this site, as a sign of good faith, and let everyone know what's really going on?? Just a fantasy? A fond hope?
Two Dogs,

I am not sure just what is going on The Murray Well but am assuming from your post they must be trying to clean out something in the well bore. As for coil tubing, lets say it is a basically newer technology. Pretty much what is allows one to do is keep from having to set up a complete rig to drill cement, pick a packer, etc. Although one (operator) does not like them, they in most a cost savings and much faster for some jobs. It is somewhat of a fragile operation, hundreds of coil tubing units are used everyday. As for The Chinese thing, I wouldn't give that much thought. As for the Oylmpia Well it is my understanding that they did in fact drill to the Smackover Formation which is known (in some areas) for H2S. I suspect they had two objectives. One to establish the thickness of The Haynesville and to see if The Smackover was there with H2S. According to what I remember reading Sonris, they then plugged it off and came back into The Haynesville to do their deal.
Now, keep in mind that I am not an authority on the oil industry but did spend 42 years around it. There are so many rumors floating around these days, one does not know how much of it is fact.
Dick, I was just trying to say, in the simplist way I could to Martin what was going on with the wells. Someone on the Natchitoches group said that he/she worked on the wells, I believe it was mudman that said it. He said that the wells (Olympia, Murray or Messinger) went into Smackover and the concentration of H2S was very high, 6000 parts per million. I would think that the wells were the Olympia and the Messinger that went into Smackover since these two were the deepest. Since you spent 42 years around it I would assume you are no spring chicked, I am 58 and can remember back when anything that came from China was crap.
Two Dogs, Dick Shuford -
Thanks for your response gentlemen. Given the paucity of solid information from Sonris or Shell/Encana, we are dependent on rumors and what few facts we can gather. I've been tracking O&G activity for five months so there's a lot to learn. Just an idle thought -- any word on the level of activity of landsmen in the DeSoto and Sabine tax assessors office? A crude indicator of the level of interest in the future potential of leasing activity. Since there seems to be precious little actual leasing being done these days.
I haven't been to DeSoto in a long time but make it to Sabine a few times a week. Sabine has thined out a bit mainly abstractors. New faces coming in and out all the time.
Two Dogs --
Ok, what is an abstractor? And also, what is an abstract? Thanks for the education.
Martin, an abstractor is the one that runs the land title on the property that is under lease or may be leased. The abstractor looks at all transactions that happen in the land title that could cause questions that may arise in ownership of land and minerals. An abstract is a record of the documents that an abstractor turns up in the history of the land title that will be sent to a lawyer for review. The lawyer will render a title opinion that points out weak points in the land title that may need to be fixed.
Martin --------I can assure you that the abstractors are still hitting Desoto parish, by the droves,
From Monday noon til Friday noon, you cant stir them with a stick. The Assessor told me that they had sold approx 30,000 copies of maps since Jan 1, about 90 tax roll cds and since june about 15 parish map cds. Every day sees new groups from south La, Dallas, Houston, Oklahoma city, and now pipeline abstractors are showing up. So no, its not slowed down.
I drove out to the Murray Well yesterday. We did not go past the gate but it appears they have a snubbing unit rigged up. I assume that they are attempting to recover the broken off coil tubing (I heard was dropped). Boy, I am glad I don't have to work that job. I am guessing they are working over 45 feet in the air.
Twodogs, & fox --
Thanks for the answers. I'll try to keep my questions in check.

Mr. Shuford -- thanks for the on the ground intelligence.
Folks --
Just checked the Sonris for Olympia Minerals status. Shows as "Shut In" as of 9/17. 9/09 entry shows "Ran coil tubing - stuck. Ran wireline to 5500. collapsed. cut tubing at 5485. Shut In." My one experience with wireline was that it was well logging -- Run an instrumentation package down the well -- maybe in this case to confirm suspicions about well wall status? I assume that's what collapsed.

Given the status - could this well be made usable by any form of rework? Would that be a reasonable thing to do in this case?
I drove by the Murray well today. The snubber is gone and the flare is burning. I guess they were successful in getting the coil tubing out.



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