Is there currently any offers being negogiated in DeSoto parish? Or has the whole parish gone silent?

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Hunter Hillbilly, is JW Porter still seeking leases? contact info?
The landman told me they were still leasing some in DeSoto Parish but not much.
I think we got leased because they already have a permit to drill in our section.
We are in section 030-11N-14W.
There is also a well location on Section 19.
I'm interest in finding out if any property was leased in Grandcane, La with the oil and gas company, I have property in Grandcane,La on Bagley Road old address use to be 113 Bagley Road
This is a report from local TV station.

"Shale game changes with economic downturn
Last Updated: October 16, 2008 05:43 PM
Did urban landowners wanting to lease their land for Haynesville Shale dollars miss the boat?
The groups that set out to negotiate those leases say probably, at least for the time being.
But another boat or in this case, energy company, could be on the horizon if they're patient.
Did urban landowners wanting to lease their land for Haynesville Shale dollars miss the boat?
The groups that set out to negotiate those leases say probably, at least for the time being.
But another boat or in this case,energy company, could be on the horizon if they're patient.
There is some good news for both energy companies and potential leasors.
Chesapeake Energy got what could end up being a $750 million dollar line of credit from 12 major financial groups.
The firm could use that for drilling."
Beware Continental Land Resources landman for CHK now offering 2k,1/16,5 year lease after letting Agreement to Lease expire, claiming they were doing title work since June, which was for 20K,20%,3 year. Today, we received a letter from Cajun Exp. wanting to conduct a 3-D survey. The minerals are still there. We will wait for a serious offer. Sec20T11NR14W.
There does not seem to be anything going on for leasing land in Desoto. The court house is still full(standing room only) but most of these people are checking on ROWs and seismic activity.

I do know that one of my neighbors was offered 3500 per acre from Porter(CHK). He probably will take it being it is so many heirs in it. Its the first offer I have heard of in weeks. I will definitely not take anything less that the original offer made on Sept 4, for 12500 per acre and .25 percent royalty. It was the first offer, on a letter of intent, and has not been delivered on yet. Not really looking for it . The shale is still there and is not going anywhere. I have lived a long time without it, anyway.
Interesting. Quite a few landowners in Desoto around Wallace area have not been paid yet for leases signed back in June to XTO.
Update: for DeSoto Parish.
Rig still drilling in section 019-11N-14w.
Another rig just moved in to section 030-11N-14W, they are side by side!
HH, my records show the following:

Trinidad #108 Rig, Chesapeake, Coval 19 #H1 Well, Serial #238613, S19-T11N-R14W
Chesapeake, Mercer 30 #H1 Well, Serial #238702, S30-T11N-R14W

Do you have the name of the second drilling rig?
Les B,
There are 2 signs at the end of the road. One has Trinidad #108 which is the Coval 19 well.
The new sign has Chesapeak on it. It does not have a number listed. We assume that is the rig on the Mercer 30.
It appears to be rig 108 that will drill in both sections. 19 and 30-11-14. Then 108 will probably move to sec 22-11-15 and drill the Marr well. Leases are running out on March 23 in sec 22 and they will surely drill before then. Probably in February when finishing sec 30. just my opinion.



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