I am in s22-t19-r15 and I received this in the mail today from Hargrove, Shelley, Strickland & Langley. The proposed unit is in s15-t19-r15. Did anyone else receive this same notice? If so, could you please interpret for me? From the plot that they sent, it looks as though my section is already in an existing Cotton Valley Unit, but I haven't received anything stating this....and I leased back in 2006.

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The proposal you received today does not involve sect 22 at this time and probably never will. Sec 22 has not been unitized except for the bodcau formation. I beleive that is about 5600 fft. The Bodcau unit was probably 160 acres ,I dunno.
I didn't think that it did involve our section. It's just frustrating to keep receiving these notices when it doesn't involve us. It's nice to be kept informed of what's going on around us....but quite frustrating, none the less. lol
Each unit request approval establishes a strong precedent for future applications.
i too recieved this letter. i am in sec.14 19n 15w. i leased with samson 1 year ago. the thing i don't understand is that matador has this section leased (sec 15 19n 15w) and a well already drilled in this section. e&l development 0-1. i have recieved many of these when samson and matador propose units. maybe they'll get around to us soon.
Yeah, I hope so. =) Do you know if Samson is still the owner of your lease, or was your lease sold to Goodrich?
yes samson still owns this lease. they have section 11,12,13,&14 in (19n 15w). and section 7 in (19n 14w).
they drilled a good well in section 13 and a not so good one in 12. they have permitted one in section 7 this week. had trouble getting the location approved in section 14. say they're working on staking out some new locations. maybe one of these will approve.
sec21 19 16 I see we they were setting casing anyone know anything?
Apparently Samson is trying to force Pool some more of us. I haven't received a notice yet but some others have - I'll be calling them in the next day or two. See posting by Louisiana Lady on Main Page.
Hey tig, what do you mean force pool? Surely they or someone else offered you a lease. They have to unitize where they plan to drill and set up parameters for the formations. All the sections around hwy 1 are unitized at 640 acres so far. I don't understand too much about force pooling, but I thought that it meant that everyone in the 640 would receive their "lease binding royalties". If not leased, It usually would mean that an offer was turned down which would mean that a WI royalty and expenses would be in play. I may be all wet and need to start over---I hope not. Samson-Contour will poke verticals to the CV or SMK and produce with intentions of maybe horizontals later.-I hope. Do you know of anyone up there that has been force pooled? Let me know
No one has approached me about anything, apparently according to Louisiana Lady & confirmed by my bro today there was a letter sent out...did you see her post on the main page? My bro is really confounded by notice of leasing or anything. Are you in area she listed? I'll be calling them if I don't get something in a day or so. The map they sent out was based on holdings about 70 years ago...!@#,, I probably know less about forced pooling but I thought they had to have about 50% of a section leased before forcing the rest. I'm on the tax roll so it's not like they could not reach me.
Tig, The way I understand the unitization bit: Samson is making a unit of S 15 which has the E&L well on it. I think the E&L is a smk well and it will be combined with any wells in S15 that is drilled to SMK, HA,or CV. It indicates that someone,probably Samson, wants to drill more in S15 and all landowners will enjoy royalties from the three formations,which would be great. My little two acres are in S16, which has not been unitized yet but has the Lanier16 on it. I have 20acres along 538 and 3/4 acre in shreveport so I'm hoping for all.
The sections that la Lady are talking about do not involve me but it sounds like Samson wants to drill there--probably CV. I beleive T19n where the matador wells are will prove to be very good and we will know when they finish the horizontal on the hall#5 and get it on line. The normal units for CV, SMK, and HA are 640ac but the oil co. can apply for larger tracts. That is what I would object to like a banny rooster. By the way, if they force pool someone in a sec, that would mean that the oil co. would be giving up 100% of the royalties for that piece of land that is force pooled. Before they do that, they will go to that landowner and offer an average bonus money and probably 25% royalties. They don't want to lose that 75%. That's the way it normally goes but I guess anything can change. lol
Thanx for your info, it does involve me- not just about money but heritage...sounds as if she is doggedly pursuing information. If I were there I might be right beside her.



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