CEO Mclendon forced to liquidate all his stock in order to make margin calls for Cheasapeake, every last share, Ole Aubrey might be heading to the poor house.

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Why would a billionaire ever use margin to buy even more stock in his own company? I thought Aubrey had a reputation as a sharp guy, but this is lunacy.
whaere do you think all of that money came from to pay people 25k,30k an mineral acre
I know, I couldnt believe this when i read it. What was he thinking, I mean how much does anyone really need, I am sure he made plenty of money.
cheasapeake is in trouble.....too much debt, and falling natural gas the writing on the wall people.....
Maybe he was banking on a busy hurricane season taking out the NG infrastructure in the Gulf.
Everything was in place to make the Haynesville Shale the biggest thing to hit North Louisiana in a long time. Now, everything is in place to grind it to a halt. It amazes me how something this big could end so fast. I am sure many people on Wallstreet are feeling the same about their lives as well as rich and middle-class investors. I worked with someone that was telling me it was 1928 all over again but I didn't believe him. I do now.
Do you know anyone with a good pair of mules for sale?

I may be interested if they know how to back up to the hitch.
Many are looking at it the wrong way. If the fall in NG prices mean a person may make $60,000 in royalties from their one acre instead of $200,000, they shouldn't think they lost $140,000. Instead they should consider themselves as making $60,000 more from their acre than they thought they would make one year ago.
CHK is run back up to 23+ a share! Is it being pumped or is it trading back on its market value?
Bill in my opinion only. They were oversold. Lots of margin call sold shares hit and flooded the market, and with all the other bad news the bottom fell out. Again those are only my thoughts.
Tom, I Hope you are right for the long term sake of the company. I have enjoyed some short term gains but def lost some on the down fall! Sell high buy low!


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