Map enclosed with "Dear Unsigned Landowners of Western Bienville and South Webster,

Someone please look at this (located in Bienville Parish Group) and tell me if you think Bossier Parish (or parts of it) look to be in the middle of the Haynesville Shale according to Petrohawk? I am not good with maps but it sure looks like Bossier Parish is also in the heart of it. That is a really good article, everyone please be sure and read it. Thanks Earl for sharing this with us. You need to put that map up front where everyone can see it. How far north does it look like it goes? I have co-workers in Benton who have been told the shale doesn't go that far. Bossier Parish people please be sure and read this too, very informative.

Dear Unsigned Landowners of Western Bienville and South Webster,
Posted by Earl on July 6, 2008 at 1:10pm in Bienville Parish Network
Before you put pen to paper on a lease that you feel the offer is not adequate enough considering the latest news and projections. I would like to point out one piece of information and one piece only. If you can read this map and still feel as though you are on the fringe, out of the play or just too far away from the "sweet spot" to get a better deal than what’s been offered to you, then I don't know what to tell you. The claims that the best spot for the HS is South Caddo and Northern Desoto no longer holds water, I'm not saying that its not a great place to capitalize on the HS, but the center has moved. The new center is South Bossier Parish until the next big well comes in and dwarfs the Elm Grove Plantation #63. This means something to those of you living in South Bossier, South Webster and Western Bienville; you are now closer to the center than any of the wells in South Caddo and Northern Desoto. The Companies know this, the leasing activity has picked up in this area as land men are quietly scooping up leases far below what the potential for this area is showing. It's SSDD, business as usual, playing on peoples fear of being left out, that they are just on the fringe and lucky to be receiving the offers they are getting and "we're just not interested at the moment".

Now to the single piece of public info that I will present to you, It's not what the landmen are saying, It’s (largest HS thickness of map) not even being discussed on this forum.......yet. It's what Petrohawk presented to their good buddies and friends, also known as Investors and Share Holders on page #11 on their June 2, 2008 report. Below is a copy of their map of this area showing current wells, Isopach (3-D system model) data points and planned well sites for 2008. The info I want you to see and consider is the red dots indicating Isopach data points. The red dot in Southern Caddo Parish says they have 195' of HS. The red dot in Red River Parish shows they have 148' of HS. We know from the "Historical News" report issued by Petrohawk on 06-30-2008 that there is 212' of HS in Elm Grove field. Now draw your attention to the red dot along the South Webster and Northwest Bienville lines. It says 228' of HS in Bienville Parish. Does it say the same thing to you as it does to me? Bienville has 33’ to 80’ thicker shale. The claims are that bonus money and value of the leases is directly attached to the thickness of the HS. Now look at the proposed well sites for 2008 (Gold Triangles) 3 planned wells just north of this Isopach data point in South Webster. That’s a lot of resources (when rig counts are as low as they are right now) in an area they are calling unimportant and uninteresting and "on the fringe"! They would love to have you all signed before any of these wells start producing. Are you going to believe what the landman is telling you or what the "Big Dogs" are telling their good buddies and friends, I mean investors and stockholders?

Patience is the rule. Research. Gain all the knowledge you can attain, it's of the utmost importance if you want to get the best deal possible. You CAN negotiate your own deal; learn to say, "No thanks, I’ll wait." These guys aren’t going anywhere; otherwise they wouldn’t want to sign a yearlong rental-housing lease for themselves. Don't sign anything where there is even one word you do not understand. "It is Coming." Be in the best position to grab a hold of it. I hope this little tidbit helps those of you in and around this area who are fearing you'll be left out and settling.....

Oliver Wendell Douglas III
Tags: bienville, bossier, webster

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Look at what?
The article that Earl posted in Bienville Parish with the map from Petrohawk of the Haynesville Shale. Really good article & map.
Patty, I saw the map you are talking about. It is interesting. However, I believe that the size of this shale has not been determined and will not be for a long time. Take a look at this map on Exco Energy's website. Each company is different and it just gets bigger and bigger every two weeks.

Go to the webite below and click on Invester relations. Then click on the Howard Weil Energy Conference dated 04/07/08. Let it download and look at pages 6,8,9, and when your ready for the really good news look at page 11. Enjoy!
Thank you so much, I am always excited to see the latest news on the parameter of the shale. Those of us in Bossier who are holding out (for at least a decent bonus) need all the help we can get. :-)
We are in Claiborne Parish and Petrohawk has been drilling like crazy and very quietly in the Terriville Field for the last 3 years. Once Chesapeake announces another big story I believe Petrohawk will come out with their success rate in the Terriville field. It's fun to watch the companies try and one-up each other. I knew once Petrohawk had announced that so called Barn Burner well producing 16.8 Mmcf day...What did Chesapeake do immediately 2 days later. They announced the partner ship with PXP.

They KCS/Petrohawk have been moving westward with their permits into Claiborne Parish. We are under lease for 12 more days and hopefully the bidding wars will begin on July 20, 2008. Not many people know what Petrohawk has been doing in Lincoln Parish. It's because they are partnered with KCS and they are quietly drilling and have wells producing 3-7 Mmcf day. Some sections have 16-19 gas wells.

It's all who you talk to!

Wow, I didn't know they were doing that much in Claiborne Parish. I have family in DeSoto Parish and it just doesn't looks the same with all the wells going in. Indigo kept most of my family's wells and sold some (in the area) to EnCana. I haven't heard the results yet but the talk so far has been alot of excitement. I took my son down there so my uncle could give us a tour of the different stages of the wells going in. That was alot of fun and I really learned alot.
We are in Sugar Creek Field and in about 4-5 months you will hear about it. Petrohawk bought out the old Sugar Creek Oil field and are working their way west into Claiborne Parish drilling 8000 to 11,500 deep wells and they are all paying off very good. No one knows it's Petrohawk because the Org ID comes up as KCS.
But it's ok...Natural Gas is Natural matter what shale it's in or whether or not it's part of the "Haynesville Shale".

It all pays Royalty in the end!

Good Luck to all!

Well Mr. Earl , You have been a member since June 10th and haven't mumbled a single word the whole time you have been here !

Not bad at all for an opening statement !
Good morning Earl, I thought that was great information and needed to be put out for all of us in the surrounding area. We have the same problem with low offers. I can't believe the people that I talk to that believe "no one else wants this area" talk. If this really turns out to be what everyone is saying than I just can't believe no one else would be interested. Even my 85 year old neighbor said she would not settle for $5,500. If everyone would quit being in such a hurry and give it a little time the competition can get started. I heard that Airline Baptist (Bossier) settled for $16,000 so it looks like the amounts are finally going up for our area. I look at this way, I did not budget for this money so if I am forced pooled so be it. We just want them to be fair with us. Have a great day Earl.
Hello Patty,

Please tell your 85 year old neighbor that I appreciate the stand that she is making.If only this younger generation were not in such a hurry ,we could really make a difference in this area ! These neighborhoods that have settled for such low amounts are not even going to make a difference in their own neighborhood, muchless anyone elses.
Thank you and keep up the good work !
Hi Snakestewart, I will be happy to tell her you said that. I agree with you that the younger generation is in too big of a hurry. When I went to the Twin Cities meeting most of the people I saw were of the older generation. I am also surprised at the amount of people who still don't read the paper or watch the news to see what is going on. I tell everyone I know about this website and I still hear people say that they don't have time to worry with what is going on with the leasing. I did get a phone call back today from XTO who told me that they are not working in our area now but are considering it for the near future. I told him I would pass that on to my neighbors and tell them to wait and he said to do that. What everyone needs to know is that if we don't sign with Twin Cities for their low amount I believe sooner or later we will get better offers. Someone said earlier that Airline Baptist signed for $16,000/acre so it looks like our area is finally catching up with Caddo Parish, they just need to offer the rest of us little guys a decent amount and they could get more to sign. Like I said before a lot of us with little amounts together make up big amounts. If this is as big as all the reports are saying then people should have enough sense to wait until they at least are offered a fair amount. I am glad to see other people see the logic in that too. I keep hearing people say they don't have a choice or they will be left out. If the shale is under us I don't think it is going to get up and run off so I think we should just wait until we get decent offers. By the way Channel 12 did say that Chesapeake said (conference call) they were giving out between $15,000-$25,000/acre (they denied that on the news today) I recorded it to be sure that I heard it correctly. They did not say that was for everyone but they did say that. Did you happen to see the people protesting on the news about Twin Cities tonight on Channel 12? Looks like people are really unhappy with the low amounts offered compared to other people's offers. We shall see what happens. You keep up the fight on your end and I will continue with it here.
Sorry about that, look under Bienville Parish Newtwork (on the side) under Earl's post "Dear Unsigned Landowners of Wester Bienville....." the link is towards the bottom. You can open it up from there.



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