Brown dense......leasing activity Union County,Union Parish.....EOG


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This is a post being sent to anyone having info on a shale fprmation called brown dense. There is a company called PINE bELT WHO IS RUMORED TO BE LEASING
several 300 to 400,000 acres in two counties in Ark. and one ....Union Parish ,La.
Is anyone selling leases?? If so ,what is the going rate?
EOG is spin-off to the old Enron company.
This lease asctivity seems to on a hush-hush basis.
Does anyone think this might be as big as any of the other shale plays? Jim B.

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Sour gas contains Hydrogen Sulfide. Very corrosive and toxic. It will kill you. Expensive to treat and requires special equipment. Wells with sour gas may even need stainless steel pipe.
Pine Belt is steadily buying leases in Union County and Union Parish. Offering anywhere gfrom
#175 to $225 per acre ,3/16, 4/4 year lease..option
Has anyone received a better offer from anyone else or Pine Belt....Triad????
Jim burgess
I leased my land in Eastern Claiborne Parish to PineBelt.
1/5, 3/3 year option. A better price than above....
Pinebelt has also leased quite a bit of land in Sections 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, and probably others, of T23N R6W, Claiborne Parish. Terms were $300 per acre; 1/5 royalty ; 3/3/1 years.
What bonus money did you receive?
Any more recent news on lease offers. I'm in Union County - was offered $175, 3/16ths, 4/4. Anyone get more?
They are paying $300.00 per acre.
Is that in Union County? Who's paying that - Pine Belt or somebody else?
This is in Claiborne Parish, La. and Is PineBelt
The most I've heard offered in Union County is $250/acre 4/4 with a 1/5 royalty.
Thanks, that is helpful.
Pine Belt (lease broker) denies that they have paid more than $175 and 3/16ths. Can you confirm the $200 and 1/5th terms? Who was the broker/lessee, if you can find out?
Thanks again for the help.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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