Red river section 32 T14n-r8w - Any one know who is developing this area?

i have 80 acres in section 32, T14n-r8w Red river parish. I now there is a rig up the road that is not in my section. They are producing now according to sonris, I was hoping they would atleast put in a permit for our section next but I have not seen anything yet. Has anyone heard anyone talking about developement in this area? Any information is greatly appreciated.

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John, the following are the Haynesville Units in T14N-R8W and there have been no permitted wells in the township. Because Section 32 has been unitized it is difficult to assess who may have the largest leasehold.

S18-T14N-R8W, HA RA SUB Unit, EnCana, Madden Branch Field, Red River Parish
S19-T14N-R8W, HA RA SUC Unit, EnCana, Madden Branch Field, Red River Parish
S20-T14N-R8W, HA RA SUD Unit, EnCana, Madden Branch Field, Red River Parish
S29-T14N-R8W, HA RA SUE Unit, EnCana, Madden Branch Field, Red River Parish
S30-T14N-R8W, HA RA SUF Unit, EnCana, Madden Branch Field, Red River Parish
S31-T14N-R8W, HA RA SUDD Unit, Samson, Martin Field, Red River Parish
Thanks as always Les, I was curious about the unitization. What does this mean for my area as opposed to a non unitized section? Appreciate your wisdom on the matter :)
John, sorry but I left out a critical word in my previous statement. I meant to say "Because Section 32 has not been unitized it is difficult to assess who may have the largest leasehold."

Typically a section is unitized for the Haynesville formation before a Haynesville Shale well is proposed. So unitization is a positive sign but does not guarantee a well will be permitted and drilled. Also, once a section is unitized it identifies which company will drill wells in that section and is normally the largest acreage holder in the section.



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