To our great surprise our 3 year lease and 2 year option (Sec. 34) has come to an end. Should we be worried? Ironically, the land surrounding us has pipes, and, yes, we were first leased when the Haynesville Shale had not yet been "discovered" so were crying in our soup when all the nice lease bonuses were handed out merely months after we signed over $100 per acre.  On that note, if we were to lease again, what are current lease rates?  Thanks for any info! 

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Yep! We're there!  However, only my sister (Mullaney) is listed which might be the paperwork problem.   There are 3 of us and she has been trying to update her address for the last year.   With that said, both my brother and I have received all updated communication...or so we thought.  We had been approached by a company back in Sept. to lay down pipes and once we revealed we had retained an attorney to review the contract, all communication with them ceased.   We're going back and reviewing all paperwork, but none that I can see re: unitization.  The only way I had an inkling of an idea was through this site!
CBT, attached is the well permit and plat for the Benton Johnson 34-1 Well.  Is it possible that EnCana/Shell contacted someone else regarding your acreage in the section? 
I am assuming you signed one of the Audubon leases taken in 2005 and 2006.  Almost all of these, if not all were assigned to Encana and then extended for another two years in 2009.  I am guessing you have the N2/SE and  SE/NE of the section.  If so, this lease was extended until 1/23/11 and since the well was spud on 9/9/10, the lease would still be active.  You should have received a division order in the mail from Encana/Shell.

Yup!  Same lease JDT!  And Les B. thanks for all the attachments!  We retained an attorney a few months back.  We'll be getting in touch with him TODAY!

Well...mixed blessings.  I was hoping for a new bonus lease.  Which is better?  HBP or the bonus lease these days? 


With 120 acres, and EnCana drilling in a good area, you'll be fine either way. EnCana completed a well in 4-9-11 that came in at 17 mmcf/day, with really high pressure.  And Jack Blake's well in 21-10-11 is reported to be good also.


As far as how long it might take to get royalties, well, it could be a while.  Maybe 6 months to a year.

If the well has not been completed, why would CBT have already received a division order?
Good point Henry. My mistake on that one.  Thanks
So are we held by production if the well is not complete by the Jan. 23 deadline (wishful thinking on my part...)?
You are HBP at the spud date in September I started this link as someone who thought my lease had/was getting ready to end (Jan.23rd) without any activity.  Thanks to this site, we learned that we are unitized and HBP!  Definitely will get on top of the paperwork glitch, but wow! Mixed emotions...  Kind of like that crazy show on A & E "I Didn't Even Know I was Pregnant..."  LOL!  Thanks to all of you (and this website) who helped me down this path of knowledge and revelation!



Most leases contain a provision that keeps lease in effect for 90 days so long as operations (drilling, completion, etc.) continue with no more than 30 days interruption. if well is successful you automatically become HBP for as long as well produces.

So from starting the post to having your answer complete, it was about 15 hours.  Only on!



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