Interesting to see that there will be a 22,000 ft well
to spud soon in Jefferson County exploring Haynesville Shale.

See Mainland Resourses----any comments??????

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Paul, well stated.  There is so much yet to know about this prospect.  I am hopeful that the results are sufficient to continue exploration.  However, IMO, there are far too many investors who have been influenced by the hype and the stock pundits stating that this is a slam dunk. And IMO, it is not.   There is reason to be optimistic but there has been no detailed data generated and made public to date that confirms the economic viability of the MNLU's well and leasehold.  Since our discussions here on GoHaynesvilleShale tend to end up being transferred to other websites frequented by stock traders discussing and promoting MNLU and the Burkley-Phillips #1, I consider it appropriate to provide a reasoned alternate analysis.
No argument with that! Hopefully, the data may eventually be made public but I doubt it will be soon. If they are confident of this "discovery", rediscovery actually, then they will hold the data as they review any other similarly prospective area within the region in an effort to get leased, or purchase, what they can before everthing goes ballastic.
Oops! Ballistic!
personally, the last thing I would want right now is deep gas.
A perfectly understandable comment based on the current price per MCF, cost to drill and complete and most of all, the current "oversupply" of available gas to the market. Perhaps some day, LNG processing facilities will be adequate enough to create product availability to LNG markets outside the U.S. and that, plus LNG powered vehicles, will up demand and thus the price. Time will tell.
Hey Paul, what was the reason behind the Oops!  Ballistic! comment earlier?
My previous post I spelled it ballastic! It was too late to edit when I realized it. my synapses were misfiring! As they are wont to do on occassion.
Naw, I wasn't commenting on your spelling.  I was just wondering what there was to go ballistic over.  I thought maybe there had been a press release or some new revelation.
I was considering what could happen if the tests turn out to be a barnburner.
I might agree if I were a WI owner, however as a royalty owner, I'll take all the gas I can get........shallow or deep.  It's kinda nice to get a check and a check rather than a check and a bill.

Hi all.....


I'm new to this thread as of this morning. I read through all of the posts trying to gain some insight on information that I don't already know. I read about 5 words in over half of the posts due to the dribble of the stock manipulators.... but found some very good info in many of the posts.


My family has been connected to the BuenaVista oil and gas business (mineral rights) for around 100 years. (I'm fourth generation). We currently receive royalties from the C.P.Long#2 well and have been for decades. Back in 1981ish, we were all holding our breaths for the Chevron deep well to finally give us our long awaited payday. It was a huge disappointment when they ended up plugging it.


I know very little about the oil and gas business....and frankly, after the Chevron disappointment, I haven't been that interested.......until now! We all got a nice chunk of change for the current lease on the Burkley-Phillips Well#1, but didn't hold out too much hope for drilling at that time. Been there, done that.


I can now tell you straight up that for the first time in many years, we are psyched over what is happening. Having listened to my relatives talk about the 'big one' for so long, I'm finally a believer. Lot's of things could still go wrong, but we haven't been this close since 1981.


Good luck to all of you pro Mainland people. Don't pay any attention to the naysayers. They know not what they speak.

I haven't met a landowner yet who didn't believe they were sitting on the biggest find of gas or oil.





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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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