Some brief points on DOs addressing posts I've seen in the past. In Texas, DOs are binding until revoked by either party. If you disagree with the decimal interest or some other portion of your DO, you can revoke it in writing or refuse to sign it. However, the operator can require you sign a DO before paying royalties to you as long as the DO contains only those terms permitted by statute. The operator can hold your royalties in suspense until it receives a signed DO. If the DO contains terms beyond those permitted by the statute, you can refuse to sign it and the operator is not permitted to suspend your royalties as a result. Also, the operator is not required to begin making royalty payments until 120 days after the date of first sale of production from the well. As a result, it is common for an operator to send DOs a few months after the well is turned to sales. The DO does not amend your lease, but is used to clarify the method of royalty payment. If it is discovered that the DO incorrectly stated your decimal interest, and the operator has been paying you on that incorrect decimal, two scenarios occur. First, if you have been underpaid because the DO understates your decimal interest, you have a claim for that underpayment against the operator if then operator received the benefit of the underpayment, or the third party owner who received an overpayment. If you were overpaid because the DO overstates your interest, the third party owner who was underpaid as a result has a claim against you to recoup the monies.

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Here is a link to the statute governing DOs. Texas Natural Resources Code 91.402.
Ben, I am not aware of anyone in the Texas Haynesville Shale who has either received a DO or been paid royalty within 120 days of first sale.  I am much more familiar with folks (myself included) who are still waiting for a DO and royalty check 6-9 months after first sale.  That appears to be more the standard.  An example would be Common Resources/Exco Resources Owens # 1-H #405-30310.   It IP'd @ 21.256 mmcf/day on 6/8/2010.  Not sure when 1st sales was but I bet it was more than 120 days ago.  No Division order/no royalty check!
Ben--- then interest due penalty is it determinted by your written lease or State law--assuming it has cleared title opinion review and operator does not have some other legal reason to hold your royalty payment? And what reasons other than title clouds could delay payment. Some leases require payment with in 90 days to sales for NG.
SB and Adubu, you must write your lessee and demand an explanation. They are required to provide you one within 60 days unless your lease provides otherwise. If you are unsatisfied with their response your remedy is to bring suit. You can recover interest and attorneys fees if they have failed to properly account to you.
Ben, we have an interest in an oil well that was drilled in Feb 2010 and put into production in March 2010 by Ellora. Didn't hear a word from Ellora about the well. Then Ellora sold out to XTO in August.  We got a letter from XTO explaining that they had bought out Ellora and they referenced the shallow gas well that we had been receiving small checks on for the past 12 years but did not mention the oil well.  I called XTO in September and asked about the well and they said that due to the buy out of Ellora that they were reviewing all titles who had interests in the well. We haven't heard a word from them except from other neighbors who have called to inquire about it also. XTO hasn't sent a letter explaining why they are not paying royalties on a well that was in production since last March.  They also have not sent any royalty money for the shallow well since they bought out Ellora. Can they do that? And for how long? 
I would send them a letter via certified mail and ask for an explanation as described above. There may be a legitimate reason for the delay. Absent a good reason, I would not think the statute or your lease would permit such a delay. Send them a letter.

Question:  Do you ever get a  royalty payment without a DO being sent to you for you to sign???

Sure but I would think it is very rare, and when it does happen, it is probably a mistake on the operator's part. The DO provides the operator protection against claims that they have not paid on the correct decimal interest, among other things.


Hi Ben and everyone else-

My family and I have interest in The Butler Rooney Unit and are leased to XTO. The well started producing in October 2010. We are new to all of this mineral rights business and none of us live in the state of Texas. We have been told by people at XTO that they are still working on curative title work and therefore they have not been able to complete DO on the unit. My question is: Is there a time limit on when DO must be done and is there something else that we should be doing to keep updated on the DO and royalty payments? Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,


Because they are working on curative title, which has been known to take awhile depending upon the complexity of the title involved, they arguably can hold all royalty money in suspense until they are done.  There is not really a time frame they must comply with.  One might argue that once they cure title for your specific tract, then they can accurately calculate your decimal interest in the unit and they should send you a DO and release your royalty.  You might ask what their policy is in this regard.
Thanks Ben
Ben-- what the status of limitation if later you discover error in title of mineral interest used to calculate royalty decimal interest on the DO? For example you find you had 75% ownership in tract of minerals rather than 50% as result you royalty increases 50% in amount. How many years can you claim underpayment and who owes royalty owner the money that has been underpaid?



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