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Permit to drill by Will Drill approved and posted today.  Good Luck.


CADDO 01 243383 MCKINNEY 13 001 10-JUN-11 W193 013-22N-15W 2152 CADDO PINE ISLAND 8250

Thanks for the update, Skip.  The real good news is that there is so much activity from Baton Rouge to South Arkansas, into east Texas. Thanks for your posts in a lot of these different areas!


Maybe this means there is still hope for S22-18N-16W.
S.H., S22-18N-16W is included in the area productive for the Haynesville Shale.  There is a jog in the maps showing the economic limits of the shale according to Petrohawk.  That northern jog includes all of 17N-16W and a narrow strip of far west 17N-15W and most of the southern half of 18N -16W.  As Petrohawk is actively developing the Greenwood-Waskom Field and other operators are drilling shale wells in relative close proximity to your section, I think it is safe to say your section is prospective for the HS.  They just haven't gotten to you yet.  Be patient.



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