The more I read about Chesapeake, the more I become concerned. How doesa little land owner know how if we are being treated ? I have not heard a word from Cheasapeak, they are drilling a well in my sec 14, from sec. 23  17N 15w .  No newa!!

Gale Bagley

Views: 306

Replies to This Discussion

When they set a well in your section often they are producing the adjacent section.

If you'd like updates on the progress in your section, you can contact Chesapeake's Call Center at 1-877-CHK-1GAS. If you have problems getting through, let me know.



Thanks Katie, I will try after the Holidays! Appreciate all the help you guys givr us.


Sent 2 e-mails, reply but no info?????


Hi Gale -


Would you mind messaging me with your phone number? I'll get someone in touch with you so you can get the status of your well.


Thank you!


Thanks Katie,

Gale Bagley

318 635  6152

Prop # 634063

Name of well  LCD&S


Thanks !!!!


Got it! Let me know if you don't receive a call in the next couple of days.

Katie, got a call from Drew Hopkins today about my lease, DO should be out in a few days, great conservation with Drew. Very nice and polite, ask me to call him back with any questions postive or negative.

Thanks for your help!!!!!



Pleased wth responce!!



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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