has anyone in golden meadow sub been contacted

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Greg, I would like to see us join together too. The meeting is at the River Bend firestation. I was thinking about bringing this up to see if they were agreeable. I read that Twin Cities didn't want us to join because we are in a different section or something but I say so what. Petrohawk probably wouldn't care. Plantation Trace got flyers yesterday from Petrohawk about an offer coming soon from them.
Hello Ms. Patricia , Please do not get in a hurry.Haste makes waste on the Haynesville Shale.They will not be in any better shape to produce even if you sign.If you sign low, the longer it will take to get them there.The higher leased lands will get drilled quicker. They have more to lose!
Riverbend is having a meeting this coming Sunday, July 20th at 5:00 pm at the fire station here in riverbend. Hopefully, we will engage an
attorney at that meeting to negotiate a joint contract for all who wish to join the group.
In my Opinion the main reason Bossier City has not got involved with the shale, more is because we have part-time councilman. (part-time i mean full-time) mayor who really don't care about us in bossier except for themselves. We have to all do what we got to do to take care if us and are families. Iam not signing till the following.
15000 acre 26% royalty and absolute 3 year term NO option. If u look at the shale go 6 mile down the road from Golden Meadows. Well's are the best in Louisiana. We can get it I don't care what a landman say's. U want my Mineral's you are going to PAY.

Later Folk's
P.S Iam kinda stirred up Long Week
I am in agreement with the $15000 an acre 26% royality and 3year term no option those were my exact thoughts. Those terms seem fair.
Also was at meeting July 13, and feel strongly that the TwinCities landman was trying hard to sell us...I have been contacted by a flipper and told that he would like to top whatever offer I get from TwinCities...He is also aware that the offer could be 15,000 per acre, and was still interested enough to contact me and talk about more than that. We MUST stick together, contact our neighbors and stay strong. There is competition to get this shale, don't let a landman say otherwise. PetroHawk has leased just west of Riverbend/GoldenMeadows for 16,500 an acre...Calvary church got 21,000 per acre...We should look for something in that range, in my opinion.
Wow Ken thanks for the info. The land that you talk about for 16,500 an acre is just behind my house. And my offer was for 5500 :( Maybe we should contact Petrohawk. The worst they could say is we are not interested.
Hello DUB , you are absolutly right! Nobody is making them pay.As long as people keep giving their shot away they will continue to keep stealing it away!
I haven't heard anything from anyone about leasing our mineral rights. We live in the newer part of Golden Meadows. Anyone know why we might not have been contacted yet?
Many in Golden Meadows haven't been contacted. My wifes parents, brothers and extended family live in that neighborhood. One of the biggest issues that I have heard lately by family and friends in that area is that they don't own their mineral rights. Apparently, it wasn't specifically pointed out at the time of purchase that the developer was retaining the mineral rights.

My advise would be to check your records and make a trip to Benton and visit the court house to be sure. If you don't own the mineral rights to your property check with others in your area and see what they are doing about it.
I heard they have a lawsuit going on about the mineral rights and that we actually own our mineral rights but i think they are trying to get it settled
I want to know whats going on with Northgate subdivision - have not been contacted at all. Should I just go to a meeting in another neighborhood?


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