Since none of you have re-started this topic, and I am interested in what information may be available from afar, I wanted to get this topic back on the board.


I recall that the last information was that Devon was fracturing again a few days ago, and rumor was that they were still recovering frac fluids, and that perhaps the well was making considerable salt water.


Do any of you have new information about this well?

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I will be up in that neck of the woods Monday and will see what I can find

Thanks, Courtney.  If you have a chance, swing by the middle gate road if the hunting club has left the gate open and see if they have started on the location for the Dan Hughes, Plum Creek #1

I would like an update as well?


Yesterday, in the Office of Conservation well file saw a work permit dated 02/08/2012  that Devon is going to set a Cast Iron Bridge Plug (CIBP) above the perfs., dump 20 sacks of cement on top and suspend operations. Based on past observations this type of activity usually means they are done with this hole. They leave a door open to play with the well later by not plugging it, but rarely do you see folks go back into a hole that is 'suspended'.

So the question becomes will Devon try again, or possibly partner up? Or will they consider a farmout their extensive acreage holdings? Stay tuned!

Jim, any idea of the size of Devon's leasehold in the LSBD prospective fairway?

Just guessing in the vicinity of the Monroe Gas Field (MGF) - its around two townships in the northern reaches of the MGF along the Ouachita River to the ARK Line. +/- 40K acres

Thanks for the update.  A reminder for our laymen members: one well does not make or break a prospect.  It will take time and multiple wells to determine if the LSBD will be an economic play. 



I had heard that they were considering abandoning the current bottom hole, and attempt (again) to re-drill the lateral. This is just rumour though...

Mr. Baron,

Hope they do... that would say that they saw something they liked.

Had eyeball report that a coiled tubing rig was on site today.

Figure they must be setting the CIBP.

Or cutting a window in casing to drill a new lateral...

Did anyone catch Devon's CEO, John Richels, last night on TV telling Jim Cramer that Devon has another huge US find.

The CEO said he would say no more about it until they have acquired 300-500K acres in the new play.

I wonder what it is?????



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