Since none of you have re-started this topic, and I am interested in what information may be available from afar, I wanted to get this topic back on the board.


I recall that the last information was that Devon was fracturing again a few days ago, and rumor was that they were still recovering frac fluids, and that perhaps the well was making considerable salt water.


Do any of you have new information about this well?

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Devon has 250,000 ac in the TMS. While no secret I think this is where the play is.

Devon CEO was on Mad Money and said the new play was the Cline formation in the Permian Basin


I thought Devon's leaseholds in the Brown Dense were much larger.  I remember the thread for the Crossett 31 well, (or for Morehouse Parish activity) that was posted on the old 'play' forum indicated Devon had a large holding and it looked like they were going to be the major player in the area; I thought that it was more than 40,000 acres, but I could be mistaken. 

I assumed that Devon had temporarily plugged this well in order to wait for more data about the play, and if Southwest or Dan Hughes had better luck drilling their laterals, that Devon would make another attempt at a lateral perhaps in the upper portion of the Brown Dense before  abandoning this well.

Ed, please post a link to the Devon announcement of the 25000

I can't verify the accuracy but I read it here:

Here is some other info from Devon on their position. Their presentation indicates that they currently have 285,000 acres in the TMS. I know that they still have some major land crews still down there adding acreage as quickly as possible.


I'm confused by this blog.  Are we talking about Devon's position in the Brown Dense or their position in the TMS?

Devon's website says "575,000 net acres in north Louisiana". Pretty broad stroke just saying "North Louisiana". The link I posted said 40,000 ac.

I had no idea they had so many acres in North LA.


This is from their website.


North Louisiana

The majority of Devon’s production in North Louisiana comes from the Hosston and Cotton Valley Sands also found in east Texas. Recent efforts have been focused on low-risk infill drilling and horizontal drilling for the Lower Cotton Valley sands. The company expects to pursue other liquids-rich horizontal drilling opportunities in the area.


  • 575,000 net acres in north Louisiana
  • 50% average working interest
  • 186 producing wells
  • Production (Q4 net): 3 MBOED
  • Reserves (12/31/11): 13 MMBOE (16% liquids)
  • Key areas include Ruston and Calhoun
  • Produces oil and gas from multiple formations at 7,000’ to 17,000’

Devon has considerable legacy leasehold in N. LA.  And significant TMS leasehold assembled since the summer of 2008 in the Florida parishes. The only comment that I can recall specific to the LSBD was the 40,000 acres.  Yes, SB. this thread is about the LSBD, not the TMS.

that being said, if their legacy holdings are in area prospective for LSBD activity and the leases HBP or still in primary term allow for those depths, it's theoretically feasible that they could redevelop that acreage for LSBD.  If their leases are old, it's quite possible they would have rights to those depths.  However, I think a large part of the cotton valley that was developed doesn't necessarily overlap acreage that is prospective for LSBD.

Is it possible for 186 producing wells to hold up 575,000 acres? That's 3,091 acres per well HBP. The Calhoun and Terryville fields aren't that big. I'm not sure where the rest of their acreage is located. I'm not saying the LSBD is the new play they are talking about but I'm just curious how they are keeping all of this land tied up? Is it through a mineral lease company like Donner?



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