Hello I own property in SW Desoto (T11 R14W Sec 25) my place is HBP. I see alot of drilling activity, but has anyone heard of plans of the big players going after the haynesville shale gas down this way yet? I am in the Lula area.

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spouse used to run bare-foot with your brothers along with Donnie & W.A. when Roberts Road was gravel (late '50s)! Now have land located 'bout a mile or so s/w of your old home place on 191. Do you know what company was involved in the lease for $29k? Any other info on new leases in this area? I do know, however, there are some around us that are waiting for their 3 yr lease to run out in 09--so sorrryyy!! -- they have a 2 year extsension in their lease and they don't realize it.
Thanks for the updates; we appreciate your insights into the local goings on in the area.
gingles, do you know which company leased this 80 acres? was this near Keatchie?
Hello, there is a location being made on glenn myers place in section 9-10n-11w
site is located 2 miles west of pelican.
Good to know. Thanks for the info. We own 78 acres in 12n-11w. Not too far away. Maybe they'll be coming our way soon. =)
THis is close to the SWEPI: Harris well in Section 19, T11N, R12W.....any recent news on the Harris well? They should be TD'd by now and possibly drilling laterals, correct?
Trinidad is steadily drilling on sec 30-11-14 on the Hunter fire tower road. In sec 22 , on Oak Tree Circle road, they are about through building the 8 1/4 pad. they have been hauling rock for several days . I believe the public hearing is set for November. I assume they will permit the Marr well after the public hearing. Drilling should start there soon. Some of the leases are running out in Feb and March.
Trinidad is drilling on section 19 right now, we hope section 30 will be next.
Section 32 T 11 R 14 also got the same letter. I think it is good news.
I was told that the Harris is going to Sales soon. Swepi is working on putting in pipeline. It was stressed to me that SWEPI is going as fast as they can but they only have 6 rigs. The pipeline infrastructure has to be put in place (by SWEPI). There is a shortage of trained labor. Various other things are holding up the process.
I was told these things when I called SWEPI inquiring on when they would be in my section. (Patience is a virtue I am working on...). Which is in the SE part of section 31. I was told they are not that far south yet. I was given an estimate of when they woudl be there yet because he said they only plan out to q section ahead. I was assured though thAt SWEPI sends noties to landowners about 30 or 60 days before they show up on your land r your section. I had a very nice conversation and the guy I spoke with was very knowledgeable and answered all of my questions openly.
Has Harris even been frac ed yet? They have to do that first before they produce.
That's what i was told, it was going to sales.
Maybe the man meant to name another one, or I heard him wrong. Not sure.
All I know is, I made the statement that nothing was producing yet and he vehemently disagreed and said that there was one going to Sales, they were working on pipeline to move the gas. I thought he said Harris.


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