Nobody has mentioned this well, which appears to be somewhat of a sleeper.  Although Nelson/Pryme have drilled wells in this field about 5-6 miles to the NE, it will be interesting to see what Anadarko can do!

Dominique No. 1, Serial No. 243229.  This well is right on the St. Landry/Avoyelles line and is most certainly a unit well for the  AUS C RB SUA, North Bayou Jack Field. 

TD is shown as 23,200' and it is currently drilling at 14,178' on 6/27. 

This is a really important well for N. Bayou Jack and Moncrief fields, including acreage in NE St. Landry, SW Avoyelles and on into Pointe Coupee.

My family owns land in the immediate vicinity, so I'm praying this is a barn-burner!


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Any further word Mr. Elder?  I was told that it would take 4-5 days to get the mud out.  That was 8 days ago so hopefully the situation has improved since then.

Not being a mathematician, it took me a second to realize that 25bbls x 24 hours = 600bbl/day. Would be pretty strong if that was accurate, and damn strong if it sustained.

No, I doubt it has anything to do with the length of the lateral. The tubing can collapse, split, etc. for any number of reasons.

Hope they get it cleaned out and make a good well. If they don't it looks like the play is dead!!!!!

Hey Joe, the play ain't dead cause we ain't drilled, still buying leases.

Thanks TD.

Just don't see any new permits and the wells that have been drilled are not producing anywhere what they should. 

One question: Are you sure the leasing is for the AC or is it interest in the EF and TMS instead?

I'm just not seeing how 500-1,000 bopd wells in the early stages of a play constitutes a red flag and would deter O&G folks from further activity. Help me here...


None of the wells are producing anywhere close to 500-1000 barrels a day. As far as I'm concerned those IPs were 15 minute tests and the results were interpolation to 24 hours. Most if not all of these wells have decreased to 100 barrels or less. These production rates will not pay out with these deep long lateral wells. Its because Anadarko has not drilled or completed the wells correctly or in some cases have over produced the formation on IP and collapsed it.

There are a lot of industry people watching those wells and the results from them. At this time I really don't see much movement or drilling activity in the play.

Joe - let's keep an open mind. The IP was 1,800 bopd for the Dominique 27. I understand that IP's go downhill from day 1, but even an 1,800 IP is encouraging nonetheless. I know you can't put "encouraging" on a deposit slip, but I think at this point in time, that's all the O&G peeps and mineral owners are looking for. I'm not ready to give D27 the last rights just yet because of this tubing issue.

From what I understand it is chalk. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Is this a new player or is it Anadarko?

Sure hope not. Would hate to be stuck in a lease with a company that is not playing.

We need more activity in Pointe Coupee!

I am told by a good source that Anadarko really feels like the Dominiquw is a very good well. They have plans to drill another just north of it. We will just have to wait and see. They are going to move a rig from Texas. It may go to Point Coupee first I dont have that info.....




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