SONRIS Lite reports that the SWN BML PROP 31-22-1H in Ora Field spudded on 2/19/2012 and as of 2/20/2012 was drilling at 2185 feet.

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At the Baird 2012 Growth Stock Conference today (May 9) in Chicago, SWN CEO Steven Mueller essentially reiterated the information given last week in the 1Q earnings conference call, with one extra bit of info: He stated the pressure encountered at the bottom hole of the BML well (which had the "kick") was 7,000 PSI. The audio is available at link below. 

Can someone explain the significance of the 7,000 PSI number?  Is there anything that can be inferred from it? Does it tell us anything about the "kick" or the well/play in general that wasn't already known? 


Matthew, the 7000 psi would have been a higher pressure than they expected to encounter at that depth.  Hence the reason they had to increase the mud weight.  It does not necessarily indicate better or worse economics.  


  I do not find a link with the audio.  I hear from residence in the area there is a lot of activity going on in the Ora Field.


I didn't post a link, its on their website

Maybe they should flow it and save the frac $$$$ [grin]

Saw them moving the rig out today (05/11/12)

Thanks for the info Steve.


Does anyone know where the rig is moving next? 

I would guess the Hollis site near Grafton's Crossing in Union Parish, as SWN said they want to find out how extensive the high-pressure region is. I think the only other currently permitted Lower Smackover location by SWN is the Dick James well in Union Co., AR.

I heard they were moving to the Hollis site near Grafton Crossing.

Does anyone know when they will start the frac job?



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