We have property in extreme NE Bossier Parish, TS23, that borders Lafayette county and we are getting some lease offers.  This property was continually leased for many years but the past 2 or 3 years it has went unleased. Samson Contour has made the latest offer but I don't know a lot about this company.  The land man says they want to drill for natural gas in the Cotton Valley.  I would love to get some input and some comments and advice from all the folks on here that are much more knowledgeable than I am.  The lease from Samson seems to be the best offer and sounds about right for this area which is unproven aside from some Pettit oil producers in the area.  Kieth, Skip, Aubrey, Ted, anyone else jump on in there and give me some help.  Thanks

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We have 250 acres in T22, about a mile from the river. No one has contacted us, wish they would though. Anyone close to this area been contacted. Thanks.

Guys if you want accurate answers we need better location information.  T22 won't do it.  We need Section-Township-Range.  Write it this way S(section) 1 - 22N (the N let's us know it's a township so the "T" is not needed) - 13W (west let's us know it is the range).  S1-22N-13W.  Then I know the square mile we are discussing and I can see if any leases have been filed for the section.  I can also tell you how close or far leasing or drilling is occurring.  It's six miles from one side of a township to the other.  And six miles may be too far to associate O&G activity.

Skip - I have 220 acres in Section 27, T23N, R14W.  No contact this year from anyone wishing to lease.  Any chance someone will approach me for a lease?

Razorback.  J B Land has filed leases with the Bossier Clerk of Court for lands in sections to your immediate northwest (S22), north (S21), northeast (23), east (26) and southeast (S35).  None to your immediate west, south or southwest.  You are on the edge of the area where they have filed leases to date.  I wouldn't be surprised if you hear from them in the near future.  I don't suggest you contact them unless you want a low ball offer.  By looking at their filings I think it's a small manpower effort so it may take some time.  You probably have time to do your homework and decide what you would accept in the way of lease terms.  Good Luck.  Oh yeah by the way, this Tiger likes the new Razorback uniforms.  LOL!

Thanks Skip, will let you know if I am approached.

My Mother's property is S21-23N-13W. Is that near your property. I don't know anything about the area. We live in California. The landman who contacted us said he was working for St. Marys energy but I found his profile on Linkedin which states he works for J.B. Land. He told me today they are looking for oil since the price of gas is down.

hazel, it is customary for energy companies, such as SM Energy, to employ "land" companies, such as J B Land, to take leases for them.  We've been wondering what company J B Land was leasing for and you may have just answered that question.  Yes, J B Land has taken leases in Section 21 - 23N - 13W.  Actually what they are recording at the parish courthouse are Memorandums of Lease which gives little specifics other than the legal description and location of the lands leased and the term of the lease.  Your mother's property is approximately six miles east and a little north of Razorback.

Thank You Skip. I am learning something new everyday about oil & gas leasing. Big thanks to this web site too.

Thanks Skip, the location is west half of sec. 23, township 22 north, range 14 west and
The east half of the east half of sec. 22, township 22 north, range 14 west

Thanks again

Mike, J B Land has recorded memos of lease for Sections 35 & 36 - 23N - 14W.  That's three miles north of you.  There has been some comments concerning lease offers by Miller Land in some of the 22N townships but none of those leases/memos have been recorded with the Bossier Clerk of Court as yet.

Merit, Skip. Also had a friend tell me that Merit called and informed them that he had til this Wednesday to sign because the company they are representing is suspending leasing! As best as I can tell they don't even have a complete section even signed yet! Just bits and pieces in a few sections! Sounds like scare tactics to me. We had also heard that SM was the company trying to lease here in T22 east of PD.

Just as you say inthestix, Merit doesn't appear to be doing much.  I'm getting reports of leasing by Miller Land that may be more substantial.  Thanks for the confirmation on SM Energy.


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