I had been working with Triad to send me a lease that  the rest of my family was sent and paid for last summer. Last night I got an email from Triad with the following news. I won't post the entire email, just the troubling part.

Triad: We were advised this morning by Southwestern that there would be no additional leasing in Columbia County for the foreseeable future. They have written letters to every lessor that has a lease in hand notifying them that the lease has expired. We are now employed on a day to day basis. This was very bad news. I was hoping to be in Magnolia for several more months.



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Our lease to Flora-Bama  LLC of Hattiesburg, MS, dated August 12, 2009, is coming up for renewal August 12, 2012. This property is in Claiborne Parish about 2 miles due west of the SWN Garrett well in S7-23N-5W. We think the lease broker was working for EOG but it could have been SWN. They have an option to renew the lease for 2 years for $200 per acre, 20% royalty. I suppose exercise of this option will be a sign of at least some continuing interest in exploration in this part of Claiborne Parish.

If the Brown Dense is economic anywhere it will be in Claiborne and Union parishes.  You may be in the fairway obed but there is insufficient evidence to make a determination at this time.  I would suggest that you contact SWN about thirty day prior to your expiration date and if they have any interest offer to lease for a term not to exceed three years, no bonus and a bump in royalty.

Thanks, Skip. I will mull this over.

As someone who sorta tries to read between the lines and thus interpret the info flow, I have absolutely no insider intel (at all).

None.  Nada.  No facts; no figures.  No nothing.  Zip. 

So, please don't give my dumb guesstimate any worth whatsoever.

Nevertheless, if someone were to ask me to place a bet on a favorable location, I'd stick a map pin smack-dab between Lake Claborne and Bayou D'Arbonne Lake (and/or in that general vicinity).

But heck, what do I know about the LSBD?  I mean, there surely are some savvy operators who actually do know a good bit more about all of the deep geology than a clueless poster on GHS. 





Gosh Darn,

Well said and good analogy.

Given the very few wells drilled in Brown Dense how can anyone possibly condemn even 1 acre of the land in the 600,000 acres of leased lands? Especially when the BD extends from Florida and Alabama into Mexico.

Can any of you remember the  "games"  Hunt played in the area now known as North Shongaloo- Red Rock Field. That was from mid 40' s to mid 50's. They controlled most of acreage via 10 year leases with 1/8th royalty with bonus of $15 to $25/ acre.. Hunt needed some tax write-offs so they drilled bunch of dry holes. When it came time to lease again a few of the landowners refuse to lease to Hunt. Cartef Oil Co. came in and picked up leases and commenced to drill good wells. Then Hunt had to do same. At that time my cousin was geologist for Carter and my Brother-in-Law was District manager for Schlumberger. So, perhaps a little info may have leaked out.

IMO that anyone who believes 600,000 acres can be condemned by 3 or 4 wells must live in LA-LA land, and I do not mean Louisiana. No insider info needed! I don't think any of us can know what the insiders are thinking and  planning. Even if BD never produces there has been other drilling which has been beneficial to the area . Just look at AIX wells drilled. IMO that this is totally related to BD. Time will tell. The game is far from over. I think we are still in 1st inning.

Mr. Sanders:

Always good to read your insight.

So glad you share your years of knowledge with us here on GHS.

And yes, as you well know -- the application of decades of experience (and also being willing to always keep an open mind and question the so-called gossipy assumptions) . . . is vital when assessing the unknown possibilities as to what is undeniable true when certain -- yet-to-be-proven -- facts are sorta orphans to the conventional thinking of a stampeding herd.

My own experience with Hunt Oil was when I was a kid pumping gas for our tiny grocery store in Bossier P. (which only lasted for a couple of years before we lost our shirts).  Possibly my dad was selling that brand of gasoline because his family had inked a lease with the Hunts.


My dad was seriously tight-lipped when it came to his business dealings, and the very last person he'd ever explain much to was his rambunctious 12-year-old son.

But hell, Mr. Sanders, we sure did have an adventuresome life, that was for sure.

Few have lived the fun honky-tonk adventures we did as feral kids running wild in the Purchase.

Louisiana is a true one-of-a-kind.

Nothing like it.

Always a pleasure, Aubrey.




Having mulled over your posting on July 2nd I felt moved to comment. I am glad to know that my generation was not the last of "feral kids running wild in the Purchase". Those who missed out on that lifestyle were just plain unlucky and deprived. I am still amazed that I survived my teen years. Despite my growing up in the wilderness of Shongaloo, every Saturday night was spent in that metropolis of Haynesville. What a "Great Life." Both Haynesville and Springhill were lively and prosperous in the '40s and 50s.

I always look forward to your insightful messages.

BTW, those who presumed to condemn BD with so little information must know something I don't know. Wish they would share any factual info with us.


While this doesn't sound good for your family, or for the folks securing the leases, hasn't SWN been saying all along that they are substantialy done leasing, or am I missing something?

SWN will need to acquire infill leases in the sections where they decide to form a unit or drill a well.  They do not have 100% of the acres per section across their AOI under lease.  The will attempt to pick up any open acreage where they plan to invest development dollars.

You are referring to what?

SWN also dropped plans for a pipeline from the Robertson well going south.    Our lawyer said that SWN considers that well "dead".  (I wonder if this is related to Obed's comment about Mueller's June 6 report about accidentally fracking into water?)   I guess we should have gone for the initial offer after all. 

OTOH, I wonder if they paid earlier landowners who DID take them up on their R-O-W offer, or if they just told them all "sorry, forget it?"

So Deerhunter, that's means SWN is through in Columbia County, specifically around the Roberson well? Also, is that why there is no information on ANY royalty payments from this well in the Ark Oil & Gas Commission website?

Not good news.


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