Union Parish  244945    sec 21 22N 01W 

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DRLG @ 7,983' 6/12/12

SONRIS Lite Report of 6/27/2012: "Re-tested blowout preventer on 6/24/2012." (No depth given.)

Can any of the more knowledgable out there tell us what the relevance of this might be?


Not much.  BOP's get tested periodically throughout the drilling process.  It doesn't tell us anything about the well.

Well it could be saying...we drilled into a higher pressure zone than anticipated once before and took a kick, maybe test the bop before we step off into something again

Possible, but way too speculative for something that goes on periodically, kicks or no kicks.

skip, do you have a feeling for this well, good or bad?   do you feel that companies are getting closer to finding the proper place, wheather vertical or horizontal, to drill, and is there much more research to be done in order to establish if this is an area that can  be productive in the oil companies eyes.    

as always, thanks for your thoughts and input.

robert, unfortunately SWN is the only experienced horizontal operator pursuing the Brown Dense at this time.  I do think they have zeroed in on the portion of the formation that has the best chance of making a commercial well.  IMO the results of the L SMK RA SUA; BML PROP 31-22-1H #1 and the L SMK RA SUA;DOLES 30-22-1 H #1-ALT wells will prove or disprove the economics.  Once one or both are completed with reasonable Initial Production, two questions will remain.  How large is the area that has the same geological attributes that exist in the L SMK RA SUA of the Ora Field in Union Parish and how will the wells decline.  I had hoped we would know much of the answers to both of those questions by year end.  It may take longer unless SWN picks up their pace.  I'd like to see a second rig added to the prospect sooner rather than later.

Does anyone know the status of this well??

SONRIS Lite says: 6/24/12, SET 9 5/8" CASING AT 9696' WITH 701 SACKS OF CEMENT. This report was dated 6/27/12, but was added to the database after the "retesting BOP's" report above, also dated 6/27/12. Maybe the casing was set in preparation for entering the possible high-pressure region.


The Dean Well had a rig starting to be delivered to it on Tuesday.  Desoto Rig #20 is about to be moved from the Johnson Well to the Doles Site.  Activity seems to be picking up with the second rig being delivered to Union Parish and set up on site at the Dean Well.   


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