COMPANY: XTO Energy Inc, ha ra sunn; Blankenship, 1: 243540.
WHERE: San Miguel Creek, S32. T. 10N R. 10W.

DAILY PRODUCTION:781 mcf gas on 13/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 40 barrels water. PRESSURE: 1153 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perforations,13522-14274 feet, depth, 14622 feet.

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Skip is this a vertical well? I thought this well was going to be completed with the horizontal in unit 29? XTO has had a lot of problems in this area. The conspiracy theorist in me hopes they are intentionally under performing all of their Nat. Parish wells so that everyone will think the Haynesville Shale stops in this area and they can come back and drill more better wells. The realist in me says either XTO is not a very good operator or this is a tough area to drill for some reason like faults or high temps? Other operators are hitting 14.5, 15, and 17 thousand mcf just 2 and 3 miles to the west. Any thoughts or comments as I know you have been following this area in Nat parish. Thanks in advance.

Brian, you are correct that XTO permitted the well as a horizontal with bottom hole in Section 29.  The reason XTO did not choose to drill the lateral IMO is that the Pilot hole in the Blankenship revealed that the Haynesville was faulted out.  I base my opinion upon a letter from XTO that is included in the paper records at the District 6 LOC office for the Steadman well in Section 28. The letter is as follows:

The following formation tops were encountered while drilling the Steadman's 28 #1 (Pilot) well.

     Hosston: 7479' (-7283' SS)

     Base Cotton Valley "B" Lime: 12023' MD (-11826' SS)

     Bossier Shale: 12397' (-12200' SS)

     Salt: 14660' MD (-14463' SS)

The Haynesville Shale, Cotton Valley Lime and Smackover Lime were most likely faulted out and not encountered during drilling.

The southern half of Township 10 North, Range 10 West is faulted along the flank of the Natchitoches Island uplift.  Faulting increases natural fracturing in a formation and can make for some better than average wells like those you mention to the west.  However heavy faulting can disrupt the stratigraphic column as seen in the Steadman letter.  The problem isn't XTO, it's that this area marks the end of the Haynesville Shale in this southern fringe of the trend.


What are your thoughts on T11N - R8W? Any hope of gas there, or is this a part of the Natchitoches Island uplift, too?

Thanks for any information you can provide.

Geo, proximity to Natchitoches Island does not preclude the possibilities of  producible hydrocarbons including gas at all depths.  Formations generally begin to fault out approaching the uplift from deeper to shallower.  In the case of 10N - 10 and 9W faulting may affect the Haynesville Zone but not the Bossier as it is more shallow.  I suspect that the western one half of 11N - 8W may be prospective for Bossier and Haynesville gas but we will not know for sure until the price of natural gas rises enough to make the risk of drilling in that area feasible.

Skip, I have 40 acres just south of this well(9N-10W)...there was some seismic done about 6-9 months ago...have you heard any news regarding this?  Would the seismic show the island or faults? Thanks again for all of your insight!  

XTO seems to think that your area may be prospective for James Lime.  The James appears to be sufficiently shallow to avoid the faulting problems associated with the Haynesville.  Depending on the nature of the gas, wet or dry, in the James in your area XTO may be interested in drilling some exploratory wells in the future.  Near future if they suspect liquids but longer term if they suspect dry gas.  The Bossier may be a target also but I suspect that owing to depth it is dry gas.  I was not aware of the recent seismic and do not have any specific information on its target.  Good Luck.

thanks for your valuable input...keep your fingers crossed-

Thank you, sir.

I am in 9 north,10 west. South of 10n 10w. Will that put us out of luck for the Haynesville Formation. Has my ship sunk? Is that why I get no cards or letters or phone calls? And now they want to stop Saturday delivery!

There's not enough evidence to rule out 9N-10W at this time however it would be better to be as far west as possible in that township and therefor further removed from the Natchitoches Island Uplift.

There are good Haynesville wells in 9N-11W.  A well worth watching if you are in far west 9N-10W would be Chesapeake's PATTISON 12-9-11 H which is located just across the township line in Section 12 of 9N - 11W.

Oh well, our family sections are T9N-10W, 35 &36. eastern edge of the township....The only thing that ever fell in my lap was the living room ceiling  when the roof leaked! Looks like I retire on beans instead of steak. Probably live longer that way anyway..Maybe I can open up a car wash to wash my neighbors new trucks. Skip thanks for all your input on this site! WE REALLY APPRECIATE IT. .

You're welcome, WON1.  But you can still hold out hope for shallower formations.  XTO seemed to like the James Lime in 10N - 10W.  There is simply no reason to drill any formation that is prospective for dry natural gas at this time.  Things will change.  However I broke my crystal ball and can't tell you when things will change.  Good Luck.



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