Cat equipment arrived yesterday in Pennington to start road for pad. 3.5 inches of rain last night halted this action. Hopeful for the end of the week. Still looking for drilling permit to be posted.

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Joseph , Is that a gas well? or an oil well on Abbey Rd

View driving by Revolver last night. There is a good view of the lighted derrick to the southwest of Hwy 287 at the Pennington cutoff-Fm 2781. Ill try to work on my camera skills. (snoopy on the ground)


XTO filed an expedited application to sidetrack Revolver.  Thoughts?

The W-1 says: "This well was drilled as a verticle well, but unsuccessful.  We will sidetrack.  Please Expedite."

Robert - 

Companies may take a bit of license in exactly what goes on the W-1.  There certainly has not been sufficient time to drill, perf, and fracture complete the well, so either there weren't sufficient natural fractures encountered to pressure it up, or what was found was below economic rates.

The flip side is this - with the lateral length they are proposing, and the likely use of oil based mud in that lateral, with the costs involved, they are essentially doubling down on this well.  There had to be something in the rock worth targeting.  

Any thoughts as to why the pooled acreage went from 253 ac. to 1100 ac.?

three ways to read it -
They needed more space for the long lateral
Its productive, so they want to hold as much acerage as possible
Its nonproductive, so they want to hold as much acreage as cheaply as possible.

I have heard that mine is not the only XTO lease in that area due to expire early next year so the latter may be the answer.  However I prefer the second read.  LOL

Alot of persons in the area were told it would go this way. The original song and dance touted that there would be 2-3 additional wells off each main unit once the three main units were completed. I heard that Abbey Rd got "stuck" on both drills at about 10,000 ft but they plan to come back after Revolver and Penny Lane are drilled. Yes the leases start expiring in Spring.  Some additional surveying has been done. XTO connections still say things are soon to get hot in this area.

Snoopy sent me a couple of more pictures of Revolver and Abbey Road sites.  He said that winds were at 20-25 mph, turbulent, choppy, reduced visibility that day from stump & salvage burning smoke 25 miles south.  At Abbey Road well head control and access gear were set but otherwise it is a ghost-town site.

NO activity at Penny Lane well site. Rabbits & goat-weeds doing well on north edge of pad.

Hopefully some of our members with more knowledge than I have will add their observations from the pictures.


One more pic.


Tell Snoopy that next time the pad is big enough to land and get a better picture of the wellhead. 

Couldn't land - wellhead in the way.  :-)  Here's a better shot from Snoopy.




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