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16/64" choke orifice / quarter inch

SWN said at the 3rd Quarter Conference Call this morning that the Dean well has been producing 200 BOPD and 1200 MCFD for the past 10 days from only 12 feet of perforations and through a 10/64" choke, if I understood correctly. Mueller sounded quite encouraged by this and said the better production was the result of much better fracturing. I think he said this improved fracturing was achieved by tweaking the various components of the frac fluid, sand, and water. He said they were trying this new fracking formula on the Doles well.

That they were getting that much flowback of oil and NG from 12 feet of perfs on a vertical well would seem to bode well for the possibility of much improvement when they reenter the well and do the horizontal.  Sounds promising!

on a 10/64ths choke he mentioned in Q&A

I think this is the best thing we have seen since the beginning of the play and it sounded like SWN was excited about the BD as well. The Dean well results are very impressive for a vertical and if they can achieve the same type of results on the lareral in the Doles well....Wow! Here we go!!!

I agree Tony. Mueller said the Dean well, with the 12 feet of perforations, had 60% as much fractured surface as the BML well with its 4000-ft lateral. He said the vertical fractures extended only about 25 feet in the BML well but extended 90-100 feet in the Dean well. I guess they may still be worried about decline rates, but a high enough IP could overcome almost any decline rate, as I see it.

My thoughts as well Obed.

sounds too good


what's the catch?

i think the "12 feet of perfs" must have been an error, why would anyone do just 12 feet? Mayby 12 perfs of "x" feet, but not just 12 feet total. Am i the only one this sounds crazy to, what am i missing?

I did listen to the call and it did sound more encouraging for the brown dense into next year, i was expecting some "down play" on the effort but i didnt hear any. Steady as she goes sounded like. SWN as a whole sounded in good shape even after a year or more of depressed gas price, good hedges thur next year even, strong operator forsure.

I had the same thoughts. Mueller first said 12 ft then he says a 200 ft interval. I ask Mr. Sanders about the 12 ft. and he remembers a well that shot 3 perfs in 1 ft. Either way the results did sound encouraging.



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