There are multiple rumors about SWN and the brown dense, Im starting a discussion where all rumors are welcome.

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Forget the tests...where's the real stuff!


I agree, the crickets are deafening around here lately. Anymore leasing going on?

I am curious about what others believe the IP will be on the Doles well. I know it has not been potentialed yet so I wanted to solicit some guesses. I will give $100 to anyone who guesses exactly the official allowable posted by the DNR on SONRIS. I am only interested in the liquids so put your answers in bopd and they must be posted by midnight 11-30-2012. It is a free roll so let's here some guesses!!



If anyone guesses the number I will donate $100 to GHS as well.

1560 bopd

I would be thrilled not to win if your guess is correct Tony. Just for fun I will guess 623 bopd.

1250 bopd

650 bopd

820 bopd




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