Can anyone update me on sec12 18n 4w in the West Simsboro field?

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Letters go out for drilling unit applications and alternate unit well locations. The letters go to those mineral interests of record within the unit boundaries and to those immediately adjacent for a distance of 1000'. Just because someone receives a letter doesn't necessarily mean they are in the unit and will receive royalty on any producing well.  Landowners are not noticed for well permits. Neither application carries a requirement to drill a well.

Yea I see that D/O papers confused me!!  (more ppl listed than in my section)  The unit boundaries...Is that the shaded area on the plat that shows the well site?  The well on my property is (supposed to be) put to sales this week or next!  

Thanks- I'm out of state so I have a hard time keeping up with what's going on.


arkiegirl, check out this site:

If the link doesn't work, Google "Lincoln Parish oil & gas report Louisiana Legal News.

This is an older report but they have subscriptions for up to date info.  I like the map of leasing activity to get a picture of where the next targets will generally be.



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