There are multiple rumors about SWN and the brown dense, Im starting a discussion where all rumors are welcome.

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That's the spirit, Mr. Sanders!  I'm 66 and expect the same.  My father lived to be 95 and worked every day until he was 89.  I believe that if you are active and involved, then you live longer.


and when all else fails, light it on fire

Shale player,

Would you care to speculate who may be interested in becoming SWN JV partner??

Based on what was in the press release, nobody.  And that it too bad.  JV's have gotten a bad name over the past several years as the only thing "joint" about the ventures what that the junior partner always left the "joint" feeling abused.  

Anybody know a partner what feels otherwise?  

I heard today that AIX lost its funding. I heard more than a year ago that they were being funded by Florida Power and Light Company. Anyone know anything about this?

Audrey, I'd heard the Florida Power and Light rumor and thought it could be true as it fits their business model.  I spoke with a landman in Alabama yesterday working on a project funded by FP&L and the AIX drilling didn't come up.  It makes sense to me that there was a deep pocket investor behind the AIX drilling spree.  And that they decided to pull their funding based on uneconomic well results.

Here is SWN's presentation at Citi. Sounds decent. At least we are getting another rig June. The BD portion is at 21 mins.


Are they bringing in a new rig in June for sure or was that only if they were able to get a JV?

You are right North, it was based on having the JV in place.

It is sad, but it is now time to watch SWN do the slow crawfish our of the play.  They can't handle the lease renewals payments without more success to show for it.

The should have put more effort into getting a good partner instead of fiddle farting around and trying to do it by themselves.  I hear that CHK has some JV salesmen looking for work?

Dang right, me again. 

I don't think it's time to throw in the towell just yet.  I am hearing that they are still planning on figuring the thing out, it's just taking longer than hoped. However, if it doesn't play out, I don't think "crawfishing" is the right term.  I believe the term would be "gave it a darn good try".  The play will either work or it won't. If someone else thought they had a better idea, they would be trying to hook up with SWN, or leasing land for themselves.  I don't think throwing a couple hundred million at it could be called "fiddle farting"...



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