It is time for the Mississippi site to have the discussions about Mississippi wells.

There are 5 new pending permits and petitions before the board--two by Goodrich and 3 by EnCana.

There is a South offset to the Crosby Well and a proposed a well to the SE in 2N 1E. These are in Wilkinson.

EnCana has proposed 2 wells adjacent to each other north of the Ash Wells in Amite.

There is also a proposed well in Sections 5 and 8 in 1N 4E in Amite.

The procedure so far has been to get a force integration permit--to force the landowners to lease; then not drill the wells immediately. (This is an abuse, particularly by EnCana, by which they use the force integration statute to help get the prospect leased--then they don't drill before the force integration permit expires.  They drill instead when they are good and ready.)

But, being in a unit is a hell of a good start even if it doesn't get drilled immediately--and it looks like poor ole Mississippi is getting more than its share of permits.  



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MSOGB Meeting

Eight new TMS well permits, three from Goodrich(two in Wilkinson and 1 in Amite), and 5 from Encana(all in Amite).  It was an interesting meeting. It was run alot like Louisiana's.

Mr. Bell:

Thanks for the info, are these the same units that they had already applied for? Or are these new units that will be on the docket for the next meeting? 



Those  were on the docket this past Wednesday and presented to the board for approval. There are also some advertised in the Woodville Republican on Thursday, August 22 and to be reviewed by board on September 18th.:

Pintard 28H-1 and Pintard 28H-2 1934.66 acres T2N R1E S11 (Encana)

Horseshoe Hill 22H-11 T1N T1W Sec 11 (Encana)-I think this one is an old one - reupped.

Things are picking up.

Mr. Bell:

Thank you so much for the information, my family used to suscribe to the Woodville Republican, but have let that subscription lapse.  Might be a good idea to keep it up, but it used to take about 10 days to get to us via mail. 

I do have a question for you, do you know of any website that would show the Township and Range for Wilkinson County that is online?  I am out of the country and really don't have access to anything written.  I tried to get one when I was in Woodville when I was there in March, but no such luck. 

At least there is some activity and your information is sure appreciated. 

If you have Google earth you can download this overlay. Works very good. It does cost a few dollars. But I just paid for one month and noted all the ones that I was interested in. Hope this helps.

Here's a link to the MSOGB site map of old Wilkinson County production that has the layout of Townships and Ranges. Hope this helps:

Wow, Thanks Recordman.  That helps a lot.  I had found that one time, but could not ever find it again.   I sure appreciate that.

Here's a good map website.  Shows Township, Range, Section.  Just keep double clicking on the area of interest.

No rumors?

No rigs on the move?

The suspense is killing me.


Onesock hit the nail on the head. I have a subscription to Earthpoint and it works great with google earth. You can switch it on and of easily if you know google earth.

Onesock, we need 'spotters' on the main highways into the area so they can report on the rigs!


Onesock, we need 'spotters' on the main highways into the area so they can report on the rigs!

I keep thinking I will have time to make a ride to Amite county. I think I know where the Grice wells will be. Grew up really close to there. I'll post a report if I make the trip.

I'm in Amite county, be more than glad to ride the motorcycle and check anything out, Onesock.  Where do you want me to look?



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