I guess this means it is on a pipeline?

06/20/2013 10 10503 COMP 06/11/13: GAS, L SMK RA, 668 MCFD, 112 BCD, GOR 5964/1, CK 8, GVTY 62.9, BWD 0, BS&W .2%, FP 2959, CP 29, PERFS: 10204'-10208', 10120'-10124', 9966'-9970'.

3 fracks , Zero water associated with production

Also, re-classified to a gas well (type 3 allowable)

112 Bbls of condensate/day plus 668mcfd = 223.33 boepd rate on a 8/64ths choke (50% oil)

That's not accounting for the NGL cut

Anyone remember what the IP rate SWN announced for this well was? BTU content?


Views: 12654

Replies to This Discussion

Thank you, Bubba! While I don't understand much of what you posted, I sure liked your conclusion. Why do you think the AFE is so much higher on the offset in comparison to the Will-Drill well in Ar.? Where can I find that AFE? Thanks again!

Thanks for providing the specifics, Bubba.  I figured an offset would be in the works after the pipeline was in place.  The question in my mind was, would that well be vertical or horizontal?  I'll look forward to the spud.

Offset meaning a second weiser brown well is in the plans??????


An offset has been in the plans for at least a year but I suspect W-B has some issues with their farmout from XOM. Don't know that first hand, only what I've heard. I actually have AFEs from two companies in the immediate area. The other was for $1.7 million. Cheaper because of less testing, mudlogging, no intermediate casing, etc. Don't know anything about the Wil-Drill well but it may be cheaper if they are thinking it is outside of the geopressured fairway.  


Thanks Bubba!!

Thanks again Bubba.


I wanted to throw my two cents into this "discussion." One that has turned into something about an individual. As publisher of GHS over the last 5 years, I have seen a lot of BS. I tend to get the brunt of it. 

Some observations

1) I have also noticed that anyone and everyone can allow their interests to skew their perception of reality. No one is immune from it.

2) I have also noticed that the reputations of people travel before them and that those who mislead will be outed.

3) People can be vicious forgetting that on the other side of the website is a person with a job & a family etc... 

4) GHS best serves its members when the focus is the shale and drilling and not a person, or people (thanks Bubba for posting the below).

5) Having to enforce every little nick pick rule, on every discussion, drags down free flowing information.

6) Constant negativity turns away new people from becoming engaged 

What kind of group do you want the LSBD to be? You may or may not know this, but I decide what groups and discussions to promote (paid advertising and in the weekly newsletter) based the quality of the conversation. And, I often pass over this group simply because there is too much in-fighting and accusations being thrown around. When i can't promote a discussion the whole group is diminished.

You are totally correct.  Thank you for your service and professional attitude.

 As someone who has been relatively active on the Go Haynesville site for quite a long time, I feel the need to state that I agree with both Keith and Bubba 1,000 percent.  I get sick of all the personal attacks and the bashing of the oil & gas operators.  As in any endeavor or line of work there are some less than honest Operators.  That is not, however, cause to diminish an entire industry, without which I wouldn't receive one red royalty cent! The lengthy diatribes which, in fact, offer no useful info turn me off big time and I hope I don't ever have to read another one before I am able to recognize it for what it is.

Disclosure:  I am an investor but not an oil and gas insider.

SONRIS reports July production of 88 bcpd and 1223 MCFD for the month of July, but as usual the choke setting was not reported. The condensate production is, however, up 33% from that reported for the month of June.


Thanks, Obed. That well is holding up nicely. I wonder if this well gets a mention in their next presentation. It could be the 2nd economic well in the play.

August production for the Dean vertical:

74 bcpd (down 15.5% from July); 539 MCFD (down 55.9% from July)



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