Trinidad Drilling Rig #124 reports "Moving On" the ECA Lawson 25H #1, Section 25 - 1N - 5E, 12/6/13.

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Remember that early post frac flowback should contain a lot of frac fluid / water which will reduce O&G flow - best to see how the well is doing several weeks down the road (e.g. 30 days after being put to flowing)

    sounds like a wait an see game?   Didn't I hear that something about them going with a shorter lateral than original planed ?

   changing subjects, does anyone have info on the permited MATHIS 29-32h west of Gillsburg? Is there any activity?

When my rig report shows a drilling rig assigned to the well, I'll post it.  Until then there is no information beyond the permit.

The Mathis 29-32H-1 was spud last Friday.

Here is the spud report from the Mississippi Oil and Gas website:\2300520798\Spud Report\API. 2300520798 Spud Report

I attempted to set up a discussion page for this well, but apparently have lost the touch.  I've set them up in the past, but I can't seem to find it.

At last report surface casing has been set and they are drilling away well below that point.

On the contrary, these Tuscaloosa wells take a long time to flow back the frac water.  An example is the Anderson 17H1 which was fracked with 306106 barrels of water.  The well has been producing 20 months (through Jan 14) and has produced a total of 102,698 barrels of water.  Data from

   I talked with a gentleman at the Lawson well site on 4/9/14 and he said everything going as expected on a short lateral (due to drilling problems) producing about 500 barrels of oil/day.

This discussion has been moved to the Amite County Group.



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