For those of you in or near the Goodwin Community in western SA Co. you might find this interesting. I focused on a 5 mile radius from the intersection of FM1277 & FM1196. There are a minimum of 28 wells permitted as of 6/4/11. Ten of the wells have initial production reports filed w/ RRC. There are 4 O&G's active in distinct areas. They are Encana, EOG, Exco, & XTO. The average IP for the 10 wells is 19.2. Not bad for an area that used to get $50 p/acre bonus money for leases just a few years ago.

Eighteen wells have yet to report initial production. We'll learn a lot over the next year about our area. I will continue tracking information as it's released.

I've attached a map that shows where the 4 companies are active at this time. I hope you find this useful.

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Which part of the survey are you in, if you don't mind me asking? It might help narrow down where this new unit (Keydets DU) is going to be. I'm guessing it will be just west of the A47 unit.

I am in this unit going in and I am on fm 1277 east of 1196 and farmbrad if I remember correctly.  I am also on south side of 1277..  I will try to find the map I found on the survey and attach it.. :-)

it seemed to have loaded...

Thanks, that answered my ? They are staying east of 1277 with that unit.

It looks like I'm directly north of you there Chloe.

for jffree1.........anytime..... :-)

What size unit do you reckon that's gonna be?

I wish I knew more about all of this stuff Mister Sunday....  I am not sure tbh.....  I am still trying to figure out the lingo  on a well/tract/unit/pads etc....  I am rather new and trying to learn as I go.....  I thought someone told me they would be putting 2 tracts in the unit...   so I get confused by the terms used....

I thought a unit was the 640 acres give or take and if that is what you are asking... I have no idea what the size will be.

I am trying to find out the UNIT lines...  or circle etc...  who is in this unit ... etc... so far I have not found out anything really but the name and approximate location....

If I hear anything else I will post... :-)

I was just curious. Thought you might've had some more info. From what I understand a unit is usually 640 acres. Unit and plat I believe are used interchangeably. A pad is where the rig physically sits while it is drilling. That's about the extent of what I know. If I'm wrong, hopefully someone will come along and correct my information without gettin on me too bad.

has anyb body heard of any thing going on east of san augustine

Crimson drilled two James Lime oil wells on the Fairway Farms Unit and the Kodiak Unit. They have one more permit open on the Gobi Unit.

I'm on the north side of 1277 and had XTO contact me for permission to survey my land.



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