
Well: Denham Springs Country Club #1 (DSCC#1):
Link: LA State DSCC#1 Well Info Page
Location: Section 29, Township 06s, Range 03e
Spud 05/07/2014, Serial 247713, API 17063203200000,
Successfully completed 10/20/2014 as a gas well in the 16700 TUSC RA SUH 
Map & Photo Nov2014Earlier GoHaynesvilleShale DSCC#1 Forum thread,
Public Notice w/platPublic Hearing Part 1, & Part 2, & 1980 Plat Establishment

Hilcorp Energy Co. - Owner Hotline:
OwnerRelations: PO 61229, Houston, TX 77208-1229
MainOffice: 1201 Louisiana Street, Houston, TX 77002
Email: OwnerRelations@Hilcorp.com, http://hilcorp.com
Hotline: 713/209-2457, HotlineFax: 713/289-2842
Main: 713/209-2400, MainFax: 713/209-2420

LA Dept of Natural Resources (Executive, Legal):
General Information and Media Inquiries:
Ph: 225-342-8955, Email: dnrinfo@la.gov, Web: http://dnr.louisiana.gov

LA State Attorney General's Office (LA Chief Legal Officer):
Crime,Corruption,Consumer Protection: 1885 N Third Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Ph: 225-326-6079, Email: ConsumerInfo@ag.state.la.us, https://www.ag.state.la.us

National Association of Royalty Owners (NARO) 
Louisiana Chapter: 

Louisiana Oil & Gas Association: http://loga.la/ 

Oil & Gas Royalty Calculator Excel Worksheet (spreadsheet, xls): 
Download DSCC#1 RoyaltyEstimator1-Simple.xls, or others here.

Mantra Land Services Web Based Oil & Gas Royalty Calculators.

Gas & Oil Sale Prices:
Link: EIA.gov WTI Crude Oil Spot Prices or LA Crude Here
Link: EIA.gov Natural Gas Wellhead Prices (Henry/NYMEX) 
Link: Bloomberg Natural Gas Wellhead Prices (NYMEX) 
Link: Bloomberg WTI Crude Oil First Purchase Prices (NYMEX)

Prior plugged & abandoned well: 
16700 TUSC RA SUH DavidsonBuckle#1 & Map &
Location: Section 48, Township 06s, Range 03e

Relative neighboring well:
16700 TUSC RA SUF DavidsonBuckle#2, & Photo Nov2014 & Map &
Location: Section 48, Township 06s, Range 03e


Views: 6355

Replies to This Discussion

A substitute unit well?  Or an alternate unit well?

Thank you. I'm assuming that my lease deal with DSCC#1 won't be affected by this "substitution" classification... is that correct?

Likely correct...

"A substitute unit well"

Thanks Skip,

  Wanted to edit the post, but it's been hours; locked.
Seems that Dion would have been most familiar here. 
Seems that other leases may be involved, plus I don't
know if Davidson signed the same lease as Buckles

This Letter seeks to designate DSCC#1 as substitute for SUH.
Last week's letter sought approval of DSCC#1 as SUH substitute
& mentioned "because DSCC#1 does not meet the 50ft tolerance
approved for location of the substitute well by Order No 1084-a-4."

There you go.  Thanks, DT.

Skip,I'm not able to see your response to DT concerning the difference between an alternate and substitute unit well. Especially as in how/if it effects the lease holders of either well.

I didn't post one as DT explained that the well was a substitute.  As mentioned in his reply the original unit well does not meet the location requirements for the Field Order.  As drilling in certain formations transitions from vertical wells to horizontal wells the set backs and surface locations will change.  Existing wells may not meet the new requirements.  Thus a "substitute" unit well.  Alternate unit wells are infill wells drilled in the same unit and the same formation.  The state sets minimum acreage for alternate unit wells so operators must submit an application showing where the wells are placed in the unit and how they conform to required setbacks from each other and from the unit boundary.

I want to thank both of you [Skip and DT] for the information but it's obvious that i need to go do alot of homework so that i can understand what you've shared with me and determine if/how any of it affects me as a local landowner.

Thanks again


Ken, You're generally paid only for the well(s) within your square mile (SUH, DSCC#1), unless your property includes more than one plat. See this pdf page three for a general map of the SUH mile area, and keep in mind that the old original well is marked as "CURRENT", and is dry and plugged. 

Thanks DellP


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